ace warm marriage

Chapter 1343 Monthly Pregnancy

Chapter 1343 Pregnancy in October (30)

Thinking that his little wife almost had an accident, Si Zhanbei felt extremely regretful.He regretted not sending Dark Seven to Sheng Fenghua's side.

Fortunately, Sheng Fenghua is fine, otherwise he would never forgive himself.Back then, when she sent An Qi to Sheng Fenghua's side, she also considered that she was a woman.It would be more convenient to follow Sheng Fenghua, but he didn't think that the other party not only failed to fulfill his duty of protection, but almost killed his little wife.

Fortunately, nothing happened to the little wife in the end, otherwise he would have killed An Qi alive.

Fortunately, An Yi is not a fool. After knowing what happened, he directly removed An Qi from the dark guards.Otherwise, he would punish An Yi as well.

"I'm fine!" Sheng Fenghua knew that Si Zhanbei must have known what happened that night, otherwise he wouldn't have asked.That's right, even if she didn't say anything, those bodyguards could be arranged by Si Zhanbei, and they would definitely report to Si Zhanbei.

Thinking of this, Sheng Fenghua couldn't help but think of the female bodyguard again.She directly opened the other party, and when she learned that Si Zhanbei would be called.After all, people are arranged by him.

So, she said to Si Zhanbei: "Zhanbei, there is a bodyguard I am not satisfied with, so I fired her."

"Daughter-in-law, I know about this. It's my fault that I put such a person by your side. Fortunately, you're fine, otherwise I can't forgive myself. "

"Zhan Bei, you're not wrong, it's her who is wrong. It's because she doesn't know her own position, and she doesn't know her own position." Sheng Fenghua didn't blame Si Zhanbei, she knew that Si Zhanbei had good intentions.However, that woman's heart is too big.

Therefore, she couldn't afford such a person, and she didn't dare to use him.This time she was lucky, what about next time?

For your own safety, it is better not to keep such a person by your side.This is also the reason why she opened the opponent directly.

"Daughter-in-law, don't worry, this kind of thing will never happen again. Today's bodyguard, I have removed her."

Sheng Fenghua didn't bother about the dark seven.Dark Seven is just a bodyguard, and she doesn't need to worry about it at all.So, she quickly changed the topic and talked about Bai Feifei.

"Zhan Bei, Bai Feifei is dead, but I'm worried that the people behind her will make some kind of moth." Sheng Fenghua has sent someone to investigate the person behind Bai Feifei, but there is no news yet.

"Daughter-in-law, you don't have to worry about this matter, I will take care of it." Si Zhanbei didn't want Sheng Fenghua to worry too much.He is already checking Bai Feifei's back, and he will take corresponding measures after finding out.

He didn't want Bai Feifei to die, and another Chen Feifei, Wang Feifei or something like that.It is said that cutting the grass does not remove the roots, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates.

As long as Bai Feifei's background is found out, he intends to act first and not give him a chance.Regardless of whether Bai Feifei came to revenge was instigated by the person behind him, the other party will not be a good person.

"Okay!" Sheng Fenghua didn't say much, since Si Zhanbei would handle it, she let him handle it.Of course, she doesn't let her own people stop either.

Even if she doesn't intervene, at least she must know who the other party is, so that she knows it well.

Sheng Fenghua talked with Si Zhanbei for a while, seeing that it was getting late, he hung up the phone directly, and then went to bed to rest.

Early the next morning, she entered the space as usual.But as soon as she entered the space, she felt abnormal.She suddenly found that her stomach seemed to grow a little bigger.

Looking down at his stomach, and reaching out to touch the bulge, Sheng Fenghua couldn't hide his surprise in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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