ace warm marriage

Chapter 1344 Monthly Pregnancy

Chapter 1344 Pregnancy in October (31)

Her baby has grown up.

Before, although she knew she was pregnant, her body didn't change much.Other than morning sickness, there was no difference at all.

But today, when she saw that her stomach was getting bigger, she finally felt that there was a life in her stomach, which was slowly growing up.

"Baby, can you hear mom talking?" Sheng Fenghua couldn't wait to talk to the baby, but forgot that the baby is only a month or two now.The baby has not yet grown up, how can I hear her speak?

After waiting for a while without any movement from the baby, Sheng Fenghua couldn't help but feel lost.

However, the loss is only a moment.She knew that the baby was still young and hadn't grown up yet.It would be nice to wait for it to grow a little longer, and then he could hear her voice.

Thinking of this, Sheng Fenghua walked around Meilin as usual, practiced Tai Chi for a while, and then went to the laboratory.

Although the baby is still young, Sheng Fenghua still plans to give him prenatal education.

After entering the laboratory, Sheng Fenghua went straight to the bookshelf, looking for some books suitable for prenatal education.Unfortunately, most of the books on her shelf are professional books, and there are really no books on prenatal education.

She didn't find the book, and she didn't stay in the space too long.She planned to go out to the bookstore in the morning and buy some books.

After breakfast, Sheng Fenghua said to his mother Ye Qingge: "Mom, I'm going out in the morning, do you want to go with me?"

"Go out, where are you going?" Ye Qingge didn't have much to do if he stayed at home alone, so when Sheng Fenghua proposed, he asked her where to go.If Sheng Fenghua made an appointment with friends, or went to a party or something, she wouldn't join in the fun.

"Mom, I want to go to the bookstore and buy some books to read." Sheng Fenghua said with a smile.

"Go to the bookstore, that's fine, I'll go with you." Ye Qingge quickly complied when he heard that Sheng Fenghua was going to the bookstore.

She also wants to go to the bookstore to buy a few books and come back to read, otherwise she doesn't have to cook now, and she will have nothing to do when she is free every day.

Sheng Fenghua also persuaded her before to let her go to the gym or enroll in some interest classes.However, considering that Sheng Fenghua would be lonely at home alone, she refused.

Now, since Sheng Fenghua wants to read, she should just accompany him.In this way, mother and daughter read books together, and there is no companion.

Ye Qingge went back to his room and changed his clothes, took a bag and went out with Sheng Fenghua.

When they arrived at the bookstore, Sheng Fenghua asked the driver to go back first, while he and his mother Ye Qingge walked slowly.This bookstore is relatively large and has several floors.

The mother and daughter strolled slowly from floor to floor, and two hours had passed by the time they finished shopping on several floors.Fortunately, there are some tables and chairs in the bookstore for readers to rest and read. Otherwise, if they keep wandering around, the two of them will definitely be exhausted.

After resting for a while, the mother and daughter saw that it was getting late, so they carried the selected books and went to check out.

Back home, Sheng Fenghua couldn't wait to take out a book, and sat on the sofa to read.

Hearing Sheng Fenghua reading, Ye Qingge couldn't help asking: "Fenghua, how did you read the contents of the book?"

Ye Qingge always thought that Sheng Fenghua was the same as himself, buying books for reading.But she didn't want to, she not only watched, but also read.

"Mom, I'll read it to the baby." Sheng Fenghua smiled, then pointed to his stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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