ace warm marriage

Chapter 1345 Monthly Pregnancy

Chapter 1345 Pregnancy in October (32)

"How old is he, you just read to him? It's no wonder he can understand now." Ye Qingge looked at Sheng Fenghua with a funny face, a little dumbfounded at her thoughts.

The baby is at most two months now, and he is only as big as a small fist. What can he understand?
"I know he can't understand now."

After hearing Sheng Fenghua's words, Ye Qingge was about to say "You still read it if you know it", when he heard Sheng Fenghua speak again, saying: "I don't understand once, I read it a few more times and he will understand."

Ye Qingge became more and more speechless, and he didn't want to hurt his daughter, so he agreed, "That's fine, just read it slowly, I'm going back to my room."

Ye Qingge went back to the room, Sheng Fenghua read again.It didn't stop until half an hour had passed.Then he got up and went for a walk in the garden, watered the flowers, and loosened the soil.

After working for a while, Sheng Fenghua felt tired, so he went back to his room to rest.It didn't come out until it was time to eat.

After dinner, she went to take a nap.After waking up, I went directly to the space to make medicine.

There are already a lot of medicines stored in the space, and Sheng Fenghua plans to send these medicines back to City A.However, before going to City A, she had to tell Si Zhanbei.

So, when talking on the phone at night, Sheng Fenghua told Si Zhanbei that he was going back to City A.However, Si Zhanbei did not agree.

He has already found out who is behind Bai Feifei.That person is none other than the former leader of the Dark Night Organization, the one who escaped.

This time, he sent Bai Feifei here with the intention of scouting the way.It would be best if Bai Feifei could kill Sheng Fenghua, but if he couldn't kill him, then he still had another move.

Now, Bai Feifei is dead, and the opponent's back move is coming soon.Of course, he also sent his own people, intending to deal with the opponent directly.

However, the other party was not found in a short period of time, so for the sake of safety, Si Zhanbei did not agree with Sheng Fenghua's return to City A.

Sheng Fenghua knew about Si Zhanbei's concerns.So, I didn't say much.However, she has her own plans.

If Si Zhanbei is hard to find, she may not be hard to find.

After hanging up Si Zhanbei's phone, Sheng Fenghua directly contacted Fengmian and told him about the situation.Feng Mian immediately promised to find out the former leader of the dark night as soon as possible.

Regarding Fengmian's ability, Sheng Fenghua was still at ease.

Sure enough, an hour later, Fengmian called back and told Sheng Fenghua where the other party was.It turned out that the man had already come to Huaxia, and he was in City B.

With the news of the enemy, Sheng Fenghua didn't plan to do it himself.He directly sent a message to Si Zhanbei, asking him to send someone to deal with the other party.

At this time, in an apartment near Xiangshan Park in City B, the former leader of Dark Night was sitting on the sofa in the living room with a cigar dangling from his mouth.Beside him, Feng Hai and Feng Yang who had fled with him before were sitting.

"Boss, that woman Bai Feifei is really useless, she can't even do this little thing well. Not only that, she lost her life, it's really a waste of our thoughts." Feng Hai told the leader the news he just got.They just arrived in City B today, and they just got the news that Bai Feifei was killed.

I thought that after more than half a year of training, this Bai Feifei would be a qualified killer.But he didn't want to die before leaving the mission, and died as soon as he left the mission.

The leader didn't speak, but looked at Feng Yang who didn't speak, and asked, "Where is that woman now?"

(End of this chapter)

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