ace warm marriage

Chapter 1369 Monthly Pregnancy

Chapter 1369 Pregnancy in October (56)

"What's wrong?" Ning Rui asked while taking off the bag.He didn't know what Sheng Fenghua was doing with the bag, and thought she was hungry, so he asked, "Are you hungry?"

Sheng Fenghua didn't answer, just took the bag and opened it, took out a bag of buns, and put one on the side of the road.

The little monkey immediately became excited when he saw that there was something to eat.His eyes were shining brightly, and his mouth was still screaming.But although it screamed happily, it didn't dare to go forward, and its small eyes peeked at Sheng Fenghua from time to time.

"Fenghua, what's the matter with this little monkey? It can't be that it doesn't like to eat bread. By the way, I heard that monkeys like to eat bananas, why don't you try it with a banana?"

Seeing that the little monkey didn't come forward, Ning Ruiyu thought it didn't like to eat bread, so he took out a banana from the fruit bag in his hand.

He put the banana and the bread together, and said to the little monkey, "Don't be afraid, eat it quickly."

However, the little monkey glanced at him, and his eyes fell on the food on the ground, becoming more and more excited.But because the two of them were still standing by the side, they didn't dare to make any moves.

Sheng Fenghua observed for a while, and then said to Ning Ruiyu with some regrets: "The little monkey is probably afraid of us, let's try to stay away."

After finishing speaking, she pulled Ning Ruiyu forward a few steps.After walking ten meters away, the little monkey came to the eating place with a few jumps, then took a bite of the bread on the ground, picked up the banana shuttle again, and rushed up the mountain.

"This little thing is quite cunning." Ning Ruiyu said with a smile as he saw that everything on the ground was taken away by the little monkey.

Sheng Fenghua smiled, returned the bag to Ning Ruiyu, then took another step and walked forward.

After walking about tens of meters, the branch above my head suddenly moved.Sheng Fenghua looked up and saw a few little monkeys sitting on the big tree above him, shaking the branches constantly, trying to get her attention.

Seeing her looking up, the little monkey sat still and looked down at her with a condescending look.

Sheng Fenghua laughed, waved to the little monkey above his head, and said, "Come down, I'll give you something to eat."

However, the little monkeys did not move for a long time, and looked at Sheng Fenghua scrutinizingly.Although she gave the little monkey food just now, they are still wary of her.

"Come down, I won't hurt you." Sheng Fenghua waved again, looking at those little things with a gentle face.

I don't know if they understood her words, but one of the little monkeys moved, jumping up and down like it was about to jump off.

However, just as it was about to jump, other monkeys called out.As if reminding the other party to be careful.

Called by his companion, the little monkey originally wanted to jump in front of Sheng Fenghua, but changed direction halfway and jumped onto a tree beside him.

Seeing the little monkey jumping down, Sheng Fenghua asked Ning Ruiyu to take off the bag, then took out the rest of the food, shook it at the little monkey, and then raised his hand and threw it at it.

Following Sheng Fenghua's movements, the little monkey jumped up again, and before the food fell to the ground, he caught it and jumped onto the tree again.

Sitting on the branch, the little monkey hugged and ate food, glanced at Sheng Fenghua, then bit open the bag, and began to eat happily.

After taking a few bites, it raised its head and called out to its companion in the tree.

Immediately afterwards, the rest of the monkeys also jumped down one by one, and surrounded the little monkey.

(End of this chapter)

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