ace warm marriage

Chapter 1370 Monthly Pregnancy

Chapter 1370 Pregnancy in October (57)

Seeing so many monkeys coming down, Ning Ruiyu was a little worried, so he stood in front of Sheng Fenghua and said, "Fenghua, give me what you're holding."

Ning Ruiyu was worried that these monkeys would grab the food from Sheng Fenghua's hand and hurt her.

Sheng Fenghua glanced at Ning Ruiyu, handed the things to his hand, and watched by himself.

Ning Ruiyu took the things in his hands, and walked for a while to lure the monkeys away from Sheng Fenghua's side, then took out the things and threw them on the road.

As soon as the thing was thrown down, the group of monkeys immediately jumped down from the tree and grabbed it.Fortunately, there was no fight after the fight.

After grabbing the things, the monkeys disappeared from the sight of the two of them again.

"These little things are fine, take them and run away." Ning Ruiyu scolded with a smile, then put the much lighter bag on his back, and said to Sheng Fenghua: "Let's go, it's getting late, let's go again If you delay, you won’t be able to go back today.”

The two went on the road again, and as for the group of little monkeys, they had already been forgotten.Along the way, the two speeded up, and when they reached a pavilion, they saw that everyone from the company was there.

"Boss, you are so slow. We have been waiting for a long time."

"That's right, boss, your speed is comparable to that of a snail."

Ning Ruiyu smiled, sat down beside him, then handed Sheng Fenghua a bottle of water in the bag, and then drank it himself.

After drinking water, sitting and resting for a while, we set off again.I went up the mountain before, and started down the mountain after a rest.

It is said that going up the mountain is easy and going down the mountain is difficult, but the speed of going down the mountain is much slower.Although there are bluestone stairs, the mountain is still quite high, and it is indeed difficult to descend from the mountain.

Fortunately, the mountain road is quite wide, and the three of them can walk side by side without any problem.Ning Ruiyu and Sheng Fenghua walked together, trying to help her.

For Ning Ruiyu's kindness, Sheng Fenghua did not refuse, and let him support him slowly up the mountain.

It took twice as long for them to come down from the mountain. When they reached the foot of the mountain, Sheng Fenghua felt that his feet were already a little weak.

Others, however, were no better off than she was.Except for a few boys who exercised regularly, everyone sat on the bench and was unwilling to get up.

Seeing that everyone was so tired, Ning Ruiyu called the hotel directly and asked the hotel to send a car to pick them up.

Ten minutes later, the car arrived.

Back at the hotel, each went back to their rooms to rest for a while before going to the restaurant for dinner.I ate dinner at the hotel. The food was rich, but the taste was not as good as what I had at the restaurant at noon today.

However, everyone who climbed the mountain for a day was already very hungry, so they still ate more.

After dinner, Ning Ruiyu also made an arrangement for everyone in the evening, that is to go to the movies.I heard that it is a very famous and unique movie called "Love of LS".

Sheng Fenghua was not very interested in movies, so he went for a walk outside after dinner, and then went back to the hotel to rest.She lay on the hotel bed, took out a book from the space, and read it to the baby in her stomach.

I climbed the mountain for a day today, but the baby in my stomach is quite good, nothing happened.Therefore, in order to reward him, Sheng Fenghua planned to increase the original one and a half hours of prenatal education to one hour.

After reading for an hour, Sheng Fenghua was also tired, so he closed his eyes and prepared to rest.At this time, the phone rang.Sheng Fenghua picked it up and saw that it was a call from his family.

(End of this chapter)

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