ace warm marriage

Chapter 1371 Monthly Pregnancy

Chapter 1371 Pregnancy in October (58)

The phone was connected, and Ye Qingge's voice came.

Today, after Sheng Fenghua left, she was always worried.So, at night, she hurriedly called Sheng Fenghua.

"Fenghua, how are you? I heard that I went to climb a mountain today. Are you tired? How is the child, is there nothing wrong?"

With a series of questions, Sheng Fenghua didn't know which one to answer first.Finally, he said directly: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

After finishing speaking, she added, "The child is fine."

Hearing that Sheng Fenghua said it was fine, Ye Qingge felt relieved and said, "Going out to play is hard work, if you are too tired, you might as well rest in the hotel."

"I see." Sheng Fenghua agreed with a smile. She is fine for climbing the mountain today, and she will be fine for the rest of the trip.

At home, Ning Minglie watched his wife hang up the phone, then put down the newspaper in his hand, and asked, "How is it, is Fenghua okay?"

"She said it's fine, and I don't know if it's true or not." Ye Qingge was still a little worried. Although when she was in Shengjia Village, she saw many pregnant women going to work in the fields, but she was still worried. .

After all, it's not 20 years ago now, and Sheng Fenghua is pregnant with the great-eldest grandson of the Si family, so precious.

That's why she used to not allow this or that, because she was afraid that something would happen to Sheng Fenghua.

"Fenghua says it's okay, so it must be okay." Ning Minglie finished speaking, looked at his wife again, and said earnestly: "Qing Ge, you are just too worried. Although you are doing it for Fenghua's good, there is no need to fix some things. God is suspicious."

"Fenghua is not a child, and she has her own way of doing things. Moreover, she is a doctor, and she knows better than us what to do for the child. So, in the future, you should worry less."

"Understood." Ye Qingge responded, but in her heart she still felt that she couldn't relax about this matter.She was afraid that Sheng Fenghua was young and didn't care about it.

Ning Minglie took a deep look at Ye Qingge, knowing that his wife hadn't listened to what he said, so he couldn't say much.

In short, they lived with Sheng Fenghua and the others to take better care of her and to make her happy, not to disturb her.

If one day, Ye Qingge manages too much and annoys the couple, they won't be able to live anymore.However, although it has not reached this level yet, it is coming soon.

Therefore, he had already bought the house in secret, and only waited for the decoration to be completed before living in it.

Fortunately, the house he bought is far away from here, so if Sheng Fenghua has anything to do, he can come here quickly.

This, Ning Minglie did not tell Ye Qingge.He didn't even tell Ye Qingge about the situation of Lin Xue's family.

After Sheng Fenghua from the hotel hung up his mother's phone, he thought that Si Zhanbei hadn't called yet, so he probably would call later. In order not to disturb his sleep, he sent him a message in advance, telling him that he had a rest first.

When Si Zhanbei saw Sheng Fenghua's message after class, he really wanted to make a call, but when he thought that she had already fallen asleep, he had no choice but to give up.

After that, he still made a phone call, it was to Ning Ruiyu.

At this time, Ning Ruiyu was watching a movie, and the phone was muted, so he didn't hear it at all.This made Si Zhanbei, who was on the phone, blush and dialed again.Still no one answered, so I had to put the phone down.

It was already ten o'clock when Ning Ruiyu came out after watching the movie.He took out his mobile phone and saw that there were two missed calls, both from Si Zhanbei, and he immediately returned.

(End of this chapter)

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