ace warm marriage

Chapter 1376 Monthly Pregnancy

Chapter 1376 Pregnancy in October (63)

Tired from shopping, Sheng Fenghua found a milk tea shop and was going to sit down and rest for a while.But not long after she sat down, a figure stood in front of her.

Sheng Fenghua raised his head and glanced at the other party. It was a strange woman, and he couldn't help asking: "What's the matter?"

"You are Sheng Fenghua?" The woman looked at Sheng Fenghua with an unkind expression.

"You are?" Sheng Fenghua frowned. She didn't know the woman in front of her, and she didn't know why she was hostile to her.

"Feng Nuoxi." The woman sat down opposite Sheng Fenghua as she spoke.

"What's the matter?" Sheng Fenghua asked again and searched his mind again, but there was still no information about this woman.

"Of course there is something."


"Stay away from my man."

"Miss Feng, you can eat more of this meal, and don't talk nonsense. If you do this again, I don't mind suing you for defaming my reputation." Sheng Fenghua's face darkened, and he looked at the crazy man in front of him with a warning face. woman.

That's right, in Sheng Fenghua's eyes, the person sitting in front of him is definitely a crazy woman.Otherwise, how could she say such a thing?In the circle, who doesn't know that she is in love with her husband, Sheng Fenghua.

But this woman was lucky enough to let her stay away from her man.To be honest, in this world, except for her family's Si Zhanbei, she doesn't like other men at all.

"Did I say something wrong?" Feng Nuoxi sneered, looked at Sheng Fenghua with an unkind expression and said, "If you dare to do it, you must dare to act."

"Miss Feng, please explain more clearly. I have a husband. If you talk like this again, I will really call the police and a lawyer." Sheng Fenghua looked at Feng Nuoxi coldly, never thinking of it. I was just shopping around, and I unexpectedly encountered a mental illness.

"Okay, since you said that, then I'll tell you, my man's name is Jun Nianchen, now you understand." Feng Nuoxi said loudly.When she thought of Jun Nianchen ignoring their childhood engagement, and only thinking about Sheng Fenghua, she couldn't wait.

So much so, that he hated Sheng Fenghua without even knowing the situation.For this reason, she also specially asked someone to investigate Sheng Fenghua, but unfortunately they found not many things.The only thing I could find was her picture.

Today, she just came to inspect the counter here.But he didn't want to meet Sheng Fenghua here.

"Jun Nianchen?" Sheng Fenghua looked at the woman in front of him, and couldn't help feeling sorry for Jun Nianchen.What a good man, to be involved with such a woman.

To be honest, the woman in front of me is not worthy of Jun Nianchen at all.

"That's right, it's him. Now, don't deny it."

"What am I denying?" Sheng Fenghua frowned, she and Jun Nianchen were just friends.I don't know what this woman is thinking, but she just killed her in front of her to ask the teacher.

"Are you just pretending here? Dare you say that you didn't seduce Jun Nianchen?" The woman looked like she was catching a mistress in the courtroom, making Sheng Fenghua's face darken, and warned: "Miss Feng, please talk to me." Be respectful, or don't blame me for being rude."

"Why, do you dare to do it or not?" Feng Nuoxi looked at Sheng Fenghua mockingly, and said loudly: "You have the ability to seduce other people's men, but you don't have the ability to admit it?"

"Miss Feng!" Sheng Fenghua's voice became colder, and he looked at Feng Nuoxi with fierce eyes, and said in a deep voice, "You'd better apologize to me immediately, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

(End of this chapter)

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