ace warm marriage

Chapter 1377 Monthly Pregnancy

Chapter 1377 Pregnancy in October (64)

"You're welcome? Well, I want to see how you're being rude. Sheng Fenghua, let me tell you, I'm the daughter of the Feng family, and I'm not something you, a girl from the countryside, can afford to offend. Sensible, You immediately cut off contact with Jun Nianchen, otherwise I will let you die without knowing how you died."

"What if I say no?" Sheng Fenghua looked at Feng Nuoxi coldly, saying that she didn't take Feng Shi seriously at all.

As long as she thinks, not to mention Feng's, even the top [-] companies in the world, she can knock them down.

"Then you go to die." Feng Nuoxi said, waved his hand behind him, and several bodyguards came out, heading towards Sheng Fenghua.

Looking at the bodyguards on Niu Gaoma, Sheng Fenghua's eyes flashed a murderous look.Without waiting for them to get close, he suddenly grabbed Feng Nuoxi, dragged her from the opposite side to him, then pinched her neck with one hand, and said, "I see who dares to move?"

The master fell into Sheng Fenghua's hands, and the bodyguards had to stop, looked at Sheng Fenghua and said, "Let her go!"

"Do you think I'm so stupid?" Sheng Fenghua looked at the bodyguards mockingly.She can guarantee that as long as she lets go of Feng Nuoxi, these bodyguards will rush up immediately.

If it was before, she wouldn't mind, just fight with them and teach them a good lesson.But now it's different, she's pregnant.She couldn't ignore the child's problem, so instead of beating people up, she might as well grab their master directly.

"Sheng Fenghua, let me go!" Feng Nuoxi's face turned ugly when Sheng Fenghua pinched her neck.She stared at Sheng Fenghua and said, "If you don't let go, my father will never let you go."

"Really?" Sheng Fenghua sneered, glanced at the innocent Feng Nuoxi, and said, "Why don't you call your father now and see if he will spare me , or won't forgive you?"

"Try it, just wait." Feng Nuoxi felt that Sheng Fenghua was joking, that was her father, so how could he be on Sheng Fenghua's side.This is no joke.

So, she glanced at the bodyguards and said, "What are you still doing, why don't you call my father quickly and ask him to rescue me?"

Hearing this, the bodyguard immediately took out his phone and called Feng Nuoxi's parents, Feng Wenming.

"Mr. Feng, Missy has been bullied."

"What, Missy was bullied? Where is it? I'll come right over."

"International Trade Building."

"Okay, I'll be right over here."

Feng Wenming hung up the phone and immediately asked the driver to drive him to the China World Trade Center.

At this time, in the milk tea shop of the International Trade Building, Sheng Fenghua saw Feng Nuoxi's bodyguard make a phone call, and he chopped her unconscious with a lift of his hand.

Who knows when the surname Feng will come, how tired she is to hold Feng Nuoxi and wait.So, she put the other party down directly, so that she didn't have to worry about the other party running away, and she was relaxed, what a great thing.

The bodyguards looked at Sheng Fenghua making Feng Nuoxi dizzy, their expressions changed, and they wanted to come over.However, Sheng Fenghua only gave them a slight glance, and made them stop, not daring to come over.

I don't know why, just now Sheng Fenghua just glanced at them lightly, but gave them invisible pressure, like a mountain, pressing on them, making them dare not act rashly.

At this moment, they knew that they had hit the iron plate.Therefore, they could only watch helplessly, but did not dare to step forward.

(End of this chapter)

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