ace warm marriage

Chapter 1388 Sisters meet

Chapter 1388 Sisters meet ([-])

Feng Wenming returned home in a daze, and Mrs. Feng greeted her and asked, "How is it? Did she agree?"

She knew that Feng Wenming went to Sheng Fenghua, and that he was there to save Feng.

Feng Wenming looked at Mrs. Feng feebly, shook his head, Feng's is finished, completely finished.

"Then what should I do?" Mrs. Feng was anxious. If the Feng family disappeared, then the Feng family would be finished, let alone the glorious days before.

"How do I know?" Feng Wenming replied angrily, and sat down on the sofa.

Looking at her tired-looking husband, Mrs. Feng suddenly said, "Husband, why don't we go to Jun's family for help."

"The Jun family?" Feng Wenming was taken aback for a moment, and then a look of remorse appeared on his face.Why didn't he think of asking the Jun family for help?

In any case, Feng Nuoxi and Jun Nianchen have a marriage contract, so they probably wouldn't stand idly by when they ask him for help.

"Yes." Mrs. Feng nodded, she just thought of it.Although, these years, the Jun family has been unwilling to fulfill the marriage contract, but they did not cancel the marriage contract.

So, she thought, now that something happened to the Feng family, the Jun family should help.

"I'll call Jun Nianchen right now." After Feng Wenming finished speaking, he immediately took out his phone and called Jun Nianchen.Now, the Jun family is controlled by Jun Nianchen, as long as he agrees, no one else will say anything.

The phone was connected, and when Feng Wenming talked about the matter, Jun Nianchen did not refuse.But he didn't agree right away, he wanted to find out why Feng Shi came to this point first.Moreover, he also had to have someone evaluate Feng's value, even if he wanted to contribute money to help Feng, he had to see how much money was appropriate.

Although Jun Nianchen didn't agree immediately, Feng Wenming was a little disappointed.But he didn't refuse, which made him see hope again.So, after hanging up the phone, he was slightly relieved.

He knew that as long as Jun Nianchen was willing to help, Feng would definitely be able to bring himself back to life.

"Husband, what did Nian Chen say?" Mrs. Feng asked immediately after seeing Feng Wenming hung up the phone.

"I didn't say I would help, and I didn't say I wouldn't help."

"What?" Madam Feng was startled.She originally thought that based on the marriage contract between the Feng family and the Jun family, Jun Nianchen would help no matter what.

But now it doesn't say anything, whether to help or not.

"Then what should we do now?" Madam Feng asked worriedly.If even Jun Nianchen didn't help them, then the Feng family would really have no way out.

"Wait!" Although Feng Wenming was anxious, he also knew that there was no rush.If Jun Nianchen is willing to help, sooner or later he will.

If he didn't want to, no matter how much they urged him, there was nothing he could do.

Here, the Feng family is facing bankruptcy because of offending Sheng Fenghua.Over there, Ning Minglie and Ye Qingge arrived in County M with several bodyguards accompanied by Lin Xue.

Lin Xue's home is in a place called Linjiacun in County M.It is about two hours away from the county seat to the village.

It was already afternoon when they arrived at the county seat that day.So the group stayed directly in the county for one night, and only went out to Linjia Village the next day.

When they arrived in County M, Lin Xue called home.When Lin Qingzhao knew that Ye Qingge and the others had arrived at the county seat, he wished he could come to meet them right away.

In the end, Lin Xue persuaded her because it was too late.Lin Qingzhao didn't go to Cheng County, but after hanging up the phone, he started to make food.

(End of this chapter)

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