ace warm marriage

Chapter 1389 Sisters meet

Chapter 1389 Sisters Meet ([-])

She dug out all the edible things at home, washed them one by one, and prepared them.Just wait for Ye Qingge and the others to arrive the next day, then they can do it.

Lin Xue's younger brother, Lin Min, and younger sister, Lin Ying, were extremely excited when they heard that there were guests coming to their house, and they were from City B.Ignoring the fact that it was getting late, I ran directly to my friend's house to show off.

Originally, Lin Xue's work in City B was enough to make the people in the village envious.Then I heard that they have relatives in city B, which caused a sensation in the whole village.A person came to Lin Xue's house to inquire about news.

Lin Qingzhao was not impatient with the folks who asked for information, and answered them one by one.Seeing that the Lin family didn't have much to eat, some enthusiastic villagers turned around and went home to bring some food.

This made Lin Qingzhao very grateful.

Her family's life has always been bad, and it is also deviant in the village.Even though Lin Xue went out to work and made a lot of money, the family was still struggling.Because most of the money that Lin Xue sent back went to Lin Xue's grandma to see a doctor.

Lin Qingzhao accepted the things, thanked the villagers, and sent them away before starting to prepare dinner.After eating, she cleaned up the house again, and then went back to her room to rest.

The next day, Lin Qingzhao got up early.Put some time-consuming things into the pot to stew.Lin Min and Lin Ying also got up very early. They were twins, ten years younger than Lin Xue.He is only thirteen or fourteen years old now, which is exactly the time for Pi.

Waking up early in the morning, the two brothers and sisters would herd cattle, and those who hunted pigweed would kill pigweed.Originally, they were going to the mountains to graze cattle and kill pigweed, but because they were going to have guests today, they ran to the village on purpose.

There are two brothers and sisters, one is herding cattle, the other is farming pigweed, but their eyes look at the road at the entrance of the village from time to time, waiting for the arrival of sister Lin Xue and the guests.

Waiting and waiting, the two waited for more than two hours, the sun was already high, and it was time to go to school, but they hadn't seen their sister Lin Xue and the guests yet, so the two brothers and sisters couldn't help but get anxious.

"Brother, sister, why haven't they come here? Could it be that they went the wrong way?" Lin Ying couldn't help asking after putting the last handful of pigweed into the basket.

Today, she deliberately cut for half an hour longer, and she couldn't keep the fortress full of baskets.In order to wait for my sister and guests.

But now, it was almost eight o'clock, but there was no one, which made her anxious. At 08:30, they are going to school.

Wait any longer, you'll be late.But they didn't see anyone, and they were a little bit unwilling.

"It's impossible to go the wrong way. It takes two hours to drive from the county to the village. They shouldn't get up as early as us. It will probably take a while to get there."

"It will take a while, then we will all go to school."

"Well, let's not wait any longer, let's go home and have dinner first."

"All right!"

The two brothers and sisters are leading the cows and carrying pigweeds on their backs and are preparing to go home.At this time, the sound of a car came from behind.Hearing the movement, the two turned their heads and saw a black car driving into the village.

"Brother, are the guests here?" Seeing the car, Lin Ying became excited.They came to this village more than a year ago in a car.

"It should be." Lin Min nodded, and then said to Lin Ying: "Go back and tell Mom."

"Okay!" Lin Ying responded, and then quickly ran home with pigweed on her back to report the letter.

(End of this chapter)

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