ace warm marriage

Chapter 1395 Xuelin’s Family

Chapter 1395 Xue Lin's Family ([-])
A plate of meat and a pot of chicken, most of them went into the stomachs of Lin Min and Lin Ying.Seeing that Lin Qingzhao was angry and annoyed, he didn't know what to say.

Obviously, these are for Ye Qingge and the others to eat.I didn't want to, but was eaten by my son and daughter.

However, Lin Min and Lin Ying didn't think so much.All I know is that this meal is the most enjoyable meal they have had growing up.Not only is there meat to eat, but the rice is also white rice, which makes them feel extremely happy.

After eating, it was still early before school, and the two brothers and sisters helped to wash the dishes.

Just after washing the dishes, the sound of a car came from the yard, and Lin Min ran out first.Seeing the car coming back, Lin Min was very happy, and then he stood at the door and waited for the students to come.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, the students came one after another.

When they saw the sedan chair in the yard, they believed Lin Min's words, and believed that their family really had a rich relative.

The children circled around the sedan chair several times, until it was almost time for class, and then trotted to school with their schoolbags on their backs.

After lunch, Ye Qingge and Ning Minglie had the habit of taking a lunch break.But it was inconvenient to be in Lin's house, and the two old people were still there, so I sat in the living room and talked with them.

Before, the two elders knew from Lin Xue that Ye Qingge and the others had a good life.The second elder thought that Lin Qingzhao was dragged down by him, and the life of the Lin family was relatively difficult, so Grandma Lin said: "Aunt Xue'er, my wife, I have a heartfelt request, and I hope you two will agree."

"Grandma Lin, if you have anything to say, just say it. As long as we can do it, we will do our best."

"Okay, with what you said, the old lady said it with a cheeky face."

"Grandma Lin, tell me, it's all right."

"It's like this. Qingzhao's man has passed away for several years, and her father and I are not in good health. These years, Qingzhao has been alone. Since you are her relatives and life is good, I hope you can help Give her a hand."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Qingzhao's expression changed immediately, and he shouted: "Mom!"

She never thought that her adoptive mother would say such a thing. If she knew that she would say something like this, she would not let her say it.

She recognized Ye Qingge, but she didn't want to benefit from her.Just purely thinking of multiple loved ones.

But now, what her adoptive mother said made her a little ashamed to face others.

Grandma Lin ignored Lin Qingzhao, but looked at Ye Qingge and the others, and said, "I wonder if the two of you can agree to this old lady's request?"

"Grandma Lin, you are serious. She is my eldest sister. Even if you don't tell me, we will help her."

"Little sister!" Lin Qingzhao looked at Ye Qingge with disapproval. She really didn't think about getting anything from them.

"Sister, you don't need to say more. I understand what you mean. You are burdened now. It is impossible for you to be a younger sister and watch."

At this time, Ning Minglie also spoke, and said: "Let's do this, sister, you will definitely not ask for money. I think so. We will cover the tuition fees of Lin Min and Lin Ying in the future. If they are willing, they can also You can go to school in City B with us, what do you think?"

It can be seen that Lin Qingzhao is a very strong person.She would never accept their financial support, that's why Ning Minglie came up with such a plan.

He had this idea before he came.Originally, I planned to discuss it with Ye Qingge sometime, but Grandma Lin brought it up before it was too late.

(End of this chapter)

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