ace warm marriage

Chapter 1396 Unwilling to Help

Chapter 1396 Unwilling to Help ([-])

In that case, he said it directly.This is not a difficult task for them, he thinks Ye Qingge will agree.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, Ye Qingge spoke up before Lin Qingzhao and the others expressed their stance, and said, "Sister, what Minglie said is what I meant. Don't refuse, as your younger sister, I will help you with your love." Yuri deserves it all."


Lin Qingzhao opened his mouth, but just after he said two words, Ning Minglie interrupted him, saying, "Elder Sister, you and Qing Ge are sisters, so don't talk about each other as a family."

"Thank you on behalf of Qingzhao!" Grandma Lin said with a look of relief.As long as Ye Qingge and the others are willing to help Ye Qingzhao, she will be relieved.

After worrying, Grandma Lin was also a little sleepy, so she asked Lin Xue to take them back.

When Grandma Lin and the others left, Lin Qingzhao looked at Ye Qingge and said, "Sister, brother-in-law, thank you."

"Sister, we are a family, so you don't have to be polite. Besides, if we encounter difficulties in the future, will you stand by and watch?"

"Surely not?"

"Okay, from now on, if you need me, just tell me, and I will definitely help you." Lin Qingzhao said straightforwardly.

She knew that there was not much she could do to help Ye Qingge and the others.The reason why they said this was that they were worried that she would have a burden in her heart.

"That's right, one family, don't talk about two families." Ye Qingge and Ning Minglie laughed, and then talked with Lin Qingzhao for a while, and couldn't hold on anymore, so they went to the room that Lin Qingzhao had prepared for them I went to rest.

The room where the two rested was separate, Ning Minglie went to Lin Min's room, while Ye Qingge went to the room where Lin Xue lived before.

Although the room is small, it can still accommodate two people.

After resting for more than an hour, the two men's spirits improved a lot, and then they followed Lin Qingzhao to the field.They don't know how to work, so they can only chat with Lin Qingzhao next to them.

In the middle of the afternoon, Lin Min and Lin Ying came back, one went to herd cattle on the mountain, and the other went to hunt pigweed.Ye Qingge and Ning Minglie saw it and followed them to the mountains.

The two followed Lin Min and Lin Ying to pick a lot of wild vegetables in the mountains, planning to get them to eat at night.

There are no entertainment programs in the countryside at night. After dinner, we chatted for a while, and then went to rest.

Ye Qingge and Ning Minglie stayed at Lin Qingzhao's house for two days, and Lin Xue accompanied them to play nearby before leaving.

When leaving, Lin Qingzhao also thought about the schooling of the two children.After thinking about it, she decided to let the children stay at home and study.

Because it is cheap to study at home, and it can also take care of the family.

Regarding Lin Qingzhao's decision, Ye Qingge and Ning Minglie didn't say anything.They respect her decision.However, when they left, the two still left 5000 yuan for Lin Qingzhao and put it under Lin Min's pillow.

The two knew that if they gave Lin Qingzhao the money in person, she would definitely not accept it, so they had no choice but to use this method.When they were leaving, the two invited Lin Qingzhao to go to city B to play.

Lin Qingzhao agreed with a smile, saying that he would go if he had time.

She has old and young at home now, and she can't go anywhere she wants.

When Ye Qingge and Ning Minglie returned to City B, it was already a week later, and the total travel time was exactly eight days, which was two days less than their original plan.

Seeing his parents back, Sheng Fenghua was very happy.While helping them push their luggage, ask them how their day is going.

Seeing that both of them looked good, and hearing from them that Lin Qingzhao was a nice person, Sheng Fenghua felt relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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