ace warm marriage

Chapter 1397 Unwilling to Help

Chapter 1397 unwilling to help ([-])

Sheng Fenghua was really happy that his mother could find her relatives.From now on, mother is no longer alone.

Sheng Fenghua said a few words to his parents and asked them to go to rest.After a tiring journey, you still need to rest more.

Seeing his parents go to rest, Sheng Fenghua was fine, and when he was about to enter the space to make medicine, the phone rang.Looking at the caller ID, it was Jun Nianchen calling.

When the phone was connected, Jun Nianchen's voice reached Sheng Fenghua's ears.

"Fenghua, I'm Nianchen. I heard that Feng Nuoxi troubled you, I'm sorry!"

"Nianchen, this matter is over, you don't have to worry about it." Sheng Fenghua said with a smile, he didn't care about the previous things anymore.

Because she has returned it.Not only was Feng Nuoxi unable to speak, Feng's was also finished.Her future life will never be easy.

Of course, if Feng Nuoxi begged her to take action, she could still continue talking.It's just that whether she makes a move or not depends on her mood.

"I want to treat you to a meal. I wonder if you have time." Jun Nianchen said.He hadn't seen Sheng Fenghua for a long time and wanted to see her.

"No, I seldom go out recently." Sheng Fenghua refused with a smile.She knew what Jun Nianchen thought about her, so she didn't want to give him any chance.

After hanging up the phone, Jun Nianchen's heart sank.Now Sheng Fenghua didn't even want to see him, which made him very sad.

When Jun Nianchen was in a bad mood, Feng Wenming called, which made his gaze turn cold.He felt that Sheng Fenghua didn't want to see him, probably because of Feng Nuoxi.

If it wasn't for her, he and Sheng Fenghua would still be friends.Feng Nuoxi hurt Sheng Fenghua, but now Feng Wenming begged him to save Feng Shi, it was just a dream.

Before, he didn't know the reason of Feng's bankruptcy.Now I know that, no matter what, I will never try to save Feng Shi again.

So, after getting through to Feng Wenming's call, Jun Nianchen said directly: "Uncle Feng, I'm sorry, I can't help you."

"What, Nianchen, you have to help me no matter what."

"Feel sorry!"

"Nianchen, don't forget, you and Xiaoxi are engaged. How could you refuse to save him?"

Feng Wenming didn't mention this, but Jun Nianchen's face became more and more ugly when he mentioned it, and said: "Uncle Feng, I forgot if you didn't mention it. Now that you mentioned it, I will tell you directly, I want Dissolve the engagement with Feng Nuoxi."

"What, you, how can you do this?"

"Don't worry, Uncle Feng, I will compensate you a sum of money, which can be regarded as compensation for my Jun's family to propose a divorce."

"No, no, Nian Chen, I don't want any compensation, I just want you to save Feng Shi." Feng Wenming shouted, he didn't want any compensation.He just wants Feng's not to go bankrupt.

"Uncle Feng, I'm sorry, you offended someone who shouldn't be offended, and there's nothing I can do about it." Jun Nianchen didn't want to talk to Feng Wenming about this issue, so he directly explained the reason.

After hearing this, Feng Wenming was in a bad mood.He naturally knew who Jun Nianchen was talking about, but he didn't expect that person could not even offend Jun Nianchen.

Jun Nianchen's words were like the last straw that broke the camel's back, Feng Wenming slowly fell to the ground.

"Husband, husband, what's wrong with you?" Mrs. Feng couldn't help being frightened when she saw her husband fell to the ground.

She shouted and took out the phone with trembling hands to call 120.

After a while, the ambulance came, and Feng Wenming was carried into the car.

(End of this chapter)

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