ace warm marriage

Chapter 1398 Unwilling to Help

Chapter 1398 Unwilling to Help ([-])

When we arrived at the hospital, the doctor checked and told Mrs. Feng that Feng Wenming had suffered a stroke.This news was no less than a bolt from the blue to Mrs. Feng.

The Feng family has already gone bankrupt, and now Feng Wenming has suffered a stroke again, which is simply worse.What should she do in the future?What should they do?
Looking at the man lying on the bed who hadn't woken up, Mrs. Feng was bewildered.She really didn't know what to do.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps, and Feng Nuoxi ran into the ward, saw his mother sitting on the side and his father lying on the bed, quickly took out his notebook, and wrote with a pen: "Mom, how is Dad?" ?”

"Xiao Xi, you are here. Your father suffered a stroke!" Mrs. Feng had a sad face, and she couldn't help crying when she thought that they would not only have no money, but also no support in the future.

"Mom, what did you say, say it again." Feng Nuoxi looked at Mrs. Feng in disbelief, and began to write quickly in her notebook. What she just heard was that her father had a stroke.

how could be?How could dad have had a stroke?

"Your father had a stroke."

"What, how did this happen?" Feng Nuoxi's face turned ugly, she never thought that at this juncture, her father would have a stroke.

"I don't know either." Mrs. Feng shook her head, all she knew was that Feng Wenming fell to the ground after making a phone call.

"Mom, tell me what happened before Dad had a stroke." Feng Nuoxi calmed down and wrote down what she wanted to ask.

She wanted to know what was the culprit that caused her father's stroke.

Mrs. Feng stopped crying, and recalled what happened before Feng Wenming suffered a stroke.

"Mom, what did you say? Father called Nianchen before he had a stroke?"

"Yes!" Mrs. Feng nodded and said, "Your father begged him to help save Feng, but I don't know what Nianchen said, and then your father suffered a stroke."

"Dad had a stroke because of Nian Chen's phone call?" Feng Nuoxi looked at Feng Fu in surprise, a little in disbelief.

"I think so. I don't know what Nianchen told your dad. Something happened to your dad before I asked."

"I'll call him and ask him!" Feng Nuoxi picked up the phone, ready to call Jun Nianchen.When the phone was connected, she remembered what she couldn't speak.

She couldn't make a sound, and she wrote down what she just said with a pen.Therefore, even if this meeting gets through the phone, it is useless.

So, she handed the phone directly to Mrs. Feng, and then wrote in the notebook: "Mom, you ask him and tell him that my dad is in the hospital."

Mrs. Feng answered the phone and called Jun Nianchen.When Jun Nianchen saw that it was Feng Nuoxi's call, he was about to hang up.But when she thought that she was speechless, she shouldn't be on the other end of the phone.So, he pressed the answer button.

When the call was connected, it was indeed not Feng Nuoxi, but Mrs. Feng.

"Auntie, what can I do for you?" Jun Nianchen asked.

"Nianchen, you just said what your Uncle Feng said. He had a stroke and he is lying on the hospital bed. Come to the hospital." Mrs. Feng hung up the phone without waiting for Jun Nianchen to speak again .

Jun Nianchen's expression darkened when he heard the blind voice coming from the phone, then he called his secretary and ordered, "Help me find out which hospital Feng Wenming is in."

The secretary quickly found out and told Jun Nianchen.He not only found out which hospital Feng Wenming lived in, but also found out what disease he had.

When Jun Nianchen heard the secretary's return, his complexion turned bad again.

(End of this chapter)

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