ace warm marriage

Chapter 1403 Dissolution of Engagement

Chapter 1403 Dissolution of Engagement ([-])

"Then what should we do?" Sheng Fenghua couldn't help worrying.To be honest, she really hoped that Si Mufeng and Mei Ruolan could be together.

After all, Mei Ruolan would break up with Si Mufeng and marry someone else, it was all calculated by others.If it wasn't for the love gu, she probably wouldn't have fallen in love with Ye Fengchi.

"It's useless for us to worry about this problem. Let my uncle handle it by himself."

"Okay!" Sheng Fenghua knew that what Si Zhanbei said was correct, and it would be more appropriate for the person concerned to handle this kind of matter by himself.

It would be a disservice if they intervened rashly.

Sheng Fenghua hung up the phone and went home in a low mood.However, what she didn't know was that a war was going on in the Si family's mansion at this time, maybe it was a negotiation.

"Dad, what's wrong with Ruolan, why don't you agree?" Si Mufeng looked at his father frustrated.In order to get married, he specially applied for leave.

But he didn't want to, Mr. Si, who wanted him to get married early, strongly objected when he heard that the person he was going to marry was Mei Ruolan.

"What's the matter? Have you forgotten about her abandoning you?" Mr. Si looked at Si Mufeng angrily.He never forgot how Mei Ruolan ruined her marriage.For this reason, the Si family became a big joke in city B.

Fortunately, now that Mei Ruolan is divorced and has fallen in love with his son, it's no wonder he agrees.It's not that the Si family can't get a wife, how can they want a second-married woman, or a woman who has made the Si family lose face?

"Dad, it's not like you didn't know that there was a reason for what happened back then. How can you blame Ruolan?" Si Mufeng looked at his father with some headaches. He had already explained clearly to him what happened back then.

He could also understand what Mei Ruolan did, but why couldn't he agree to their marriage.To be honest, except for Mei Ruolan, he has no interest in other women in his life.

"It's two different things." Marrying is not the same as being sympathetic to the other person.If Mei Ruolan marries someone else, he will sincerely bless her, but if she wants to marry Si Mufeng, he firmly disagrees.

"Dad, if you don't let me marry Ruolan, then I won't be married in this life. Anyway, there's nothing wrong with living alone." Si Mufeng looked at his father's reticent look, and also Annoyed, said angrily.

He only loves Mei Ruolan. Ten years ago, they missed each other. He doesn't want to miss her again this time.

Of course, even if Mr. Si disagreed, they could still get married.But he didn't want his father's blessing to be lost in his marriage, and he didn't want Mei Ruolan to be wronged in the Si family in the future.

"How dare you!" When Mr. Si heard this, he immediately became angry, and said, "You dare to marry a wife and try. See if I will find a woman and stuff it in your room."

"Dad, how can you do this? I want to marry Ruolan, but I won't marry anyone but her."

"You were stunned by her. It used to be like this, and it's still like this now. Why did I give birth to a son like you? People don't want you anymore, they abandon you, and you are still rushing forward. Are you ashamed?" What? Could it be that there are no other women in this world, only her, Mei Ruolan?"

"I tell you, she will still abandon you after you do this."

"Dad, what are you talking about? Ruolan is not that kind of person. I told you that it wasn't that she wanted to abandon me before, it was that she followed someone else's way."

"Hmph, I don't care if she followed someone else's way or not, but she abandoned you. This is a fact."

(End of this chapter)

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