ace warm marriage

Chapter 1404 Dissolution of Engagement

Chapter 1404 Dissolution of Engagement ([-])


"Don't say it, it's absolutely impossible. You can only choose one of me and her. If you want to marry her, there will be no father like me. "

After Mr. Si finished speaking, he went upstairs angrily.

After entering the study, Mr. Si sat on a chair, still not calming down.He gets angry when he thinks that Si Mufeng is going to marry Mei Ruolan.It's not that the Si family can't marry a daughter-in-law. With the family background of the Si family and Si Mufeng's character and talent, some women want to marry in.

But he was lucky, he only fell in love with Mei Ruolan.He couldn't figure it out, what's so good about Mei Ruolan, that Si Mufeng has loved her with all her heart for decades, even if she abandoned him, she didn't care.

I'm really out of my mind.How could he have such a son? It really disgraced him and the Si family.

The more Mr. Si thought about it, the more angry he became, and the more he thought about it, the more irritable he became. He suddenly felt that Sheng Fenghua was better, well-behaved, sensible, and capable.

Both Si Mufeng and Si Zhanbei would only make him angry, but only Sheng Fenghua would make him happy.

At this moment, Mr. Si suddenly thought of Sheng Fenghua.Thinking that she hadn't returned to the mansion for several days, he picked up the phone on the table and called her.

Sheng Fenghua was talking to Ye Qingge at home, and Sheng Fenghua still disapproved of the fact that his parents wanted to move out.

So, trying to convince her not to move out.To be honest, if his parents moved away and Sheng Fenghua lived here alone, even with a servant, he would still feel lonely.

"Mom, you can stay here, otherwise I will be the only one in the house, and I won't even have anyone to talk to." Sheng Fenghua took his mother's arm and acted coquettishly.

"Fenghua, I know what you mean. It's just that we lived here before because the house hadn't been tidied up. In addition, you were just pregnant, so we wanted to accompany you for a while. Otherwise, at that time , your grandma told us to go home and live."

"Now, our house has been completed, and you have already settled down. As long as you are careful, you will be fine. As for you saying that there is no one to talk to, don't worry about it. I am usually fine. , will come to talk to you every day."

"Mom, if that's the case, you'll have to run around. How troublesome it is. It's better to live here all the time, and it doesn't have to be so hard."

"It's not like you don't know what the hard work is. The house my dad bought is not far from here. It takes only ten minutes to walk. I go back and forth every day, so I can exercise my body."

Sheng Fenghua wanted to persuade him again, when the phone rang.Seeing that it was from the Si family, she immediately answered it.

The phone was connected, and the voice of old man Si came: "Fenghua, do you have time? Come back, I'm going to be so mad at you by your uncle."

"Grandpa, what's the matter? Don't worry, I'll go back right away." Sheng Fenghua heard that Mr. Si was not in a good mood, and while comforting him, he said to Ye Qingge: "Mom, Grandpa called. I have to go back to the mansion."

"Go, go!" Ye Qingge waved his hand.

Sheng Fenghua stood up, and then said to Mr. Si on the phone: "Grandpa, wait for me, I'll go back right away."

"Okay, be careful on the road, ask the driver to drive more steadily, and don't bump into it." Mr. Si reminded him, lest she accidentally bump into it.

Sheng Fenghua put away the phone, then asked Butler Wu to arrange a car for her, and headed towards the mansion.

 Ranran's new book "Ace Military Marriage: Rebirth of Ninety-eight Pretty Wife" has been released, and I will meet you tomorrow.I hope you can continue to support us, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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