ace warm marriage

Chapter 1424 Si Lao Xin Xin

Chapter 1424 Si Lao Xin Xin ([-])

By the time she finished reading the report, she had already roughly understood what the old man was thinking.The old man probably saw this report and was worried about Si Mufeng.

Sure enough, her guess was correct, Mr. Si was always soft-hearted towards Si Mufeng.She believed that the old man would agree to their marriage before long.

"How is it?" Si Mufeng asked immediately when he saw that Sheng Fenghua had finished reading the report.He himself didn't see any tricks, so he asked Sheng Fenghua.

"It's nothing." Sheng Fenghua said lightly, put the newspaper aside, then looked at Si Mufeng and said, "Uncle, you don't understand what Grandpa means, do you?"

"Yes!" Si Mufeng nodded, he didn't understand at all.Okay, why did the old man let him read such a report.

"Grandpa is worried about you." Sheng Fenghua reminded.

"Worried about me? Why?" Si Mufeng became more and more puzzled.Men are born with thicker nerves, so some things can't be understood at all.

Seeing that Si Mufeng didn't understand at all, Sheng Fenghua had no choice but to speak up, "Of course I'm worried about you and Aunt Mei."

"What do you mean?" Si Mufeng still didn't understand, and said to Sheng Fenghua, "Fenghua, can you explain it a little more clearly?"

"Okay, let me tell you directly. Grandpa is worried that you will do something drastic for Aunt Mei like the people in this report."

"What?" Si Mufeng finally understood, and was speechless.How could the old man think of him like that? He is a man, and even a soldier. How could he do something like what was reported in the newspaper.

Even if the old man disagrees all the time, he will try to persuade him.If you really can't be persuaded, you can only cut it first and then play it.

Of course, cutting first and playing later is just a bad idea, if he hadn't had to, he wouldn't have used it.But he didn't expect that the old man would think of him like this.

It stands to reason that for so many years, the old man knows what kind of character he is, so why would he think so?
"Uncle, in fact, Grandpa's heart is also very contradictory. If Aunt Mei hadn't hurt you or the Si family, even if she was married, Grandpa would not stop her."

"I know. But Ruolan has no other choice. She is controlled by someone, and it's not like you don't know about it." Si Mufeng spoke for Mei Ruolan.

He didn't want Sheng Fenghua to misunderstand Mei Ruolan, so he defended her.

"Uncle, I know more about Aunt Mei than you do. Yes, Aunt Mei is understandable, but after all, she hurt you and Grandpa's feelings."

"Of course, you don't feel anything, because you love her. So you will think about her everywhere, but grandpa won't. Grandpa loves you, so he will think about you, hold injustice for you, and You are sad."

"Me?" Si Mufeng looked at Sheng Fenghua, speechless.He never thought about this issue, and never looked at it from the old man's standpoint.

Speaking of which, he is also selfish.He only thought that he loved Mei Ruolan and wanted to be with her, even if she had hurt him, it didn't matter.Because he loves her and can tolerate everything about her, even if it hurts.

But what about the old man?He is an elder and the head of the family. He not only values ​​the happiness of his children and grandchildren, but also cares about the honor and face of the family.

After all, what Mei Ruolan did before really slapped the Si family in the face.Once upon a time, the Si family became the laughing stock of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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