ace warm marriage

Chapter 1425 Si Lao Xin Xin

Chapter 1425 Si Lao Xin Xin ([-])
It's no wonder the old man disagreed.If he insisted on marrying Mei Ruolan, the Si family would probably be laughed at by everyone again.

"Uncle, you have to understand Grandpa." Sheng Fenghua took a deep look at Si Mufeng and said, "He is the one who loves you the most in this world."

"I see." Si Mufeng nodded, then looked at Sheng Fenghua and said, "Fenghua, I know that the old man is doing it for my own good, and I don't blame him. However, Ruolan is the love of my life. I will marry her no matter what."

"I understand, I just want you to give Grandpa some more time. I believe it won't be long before Grandpa will agree to your marriage." Sheng Fenghua spoke out his guess, making Si Mufeng stunned, and asked: " can you?"

"Don't worry, you will. Grandpa also wants you to be happy."

"Fenghua, don't worry, I won't force the old man anymore, I will tell Ruolan, wait for grandpa to figure it out slowly, and accept us to be together."

"Come on!" Sheng Fenghua laughed, and then did not continue this topic, but chatted about something else.

The old man couldn't fall asleep in the room at all, and after lying down for a while, he still got up.He planned to chat with his old friend, so that he would not be entangled in Si Mufeng's matter.

No, he saw Sheng Fenghua as soon as he left the room, so he became happy and said, "Fenghua, didn't you go back? Why are you here again?"

"Grandpa, I'm going to live here for a while, you won't welcome me?" Sheng Fenghua looked at Mr. Si and said mischievously.

"How come? You can stay as long as you want. Grandpa is worried that he has no one to talk to? You are here just in time, you can talk to me, and you can also go out with me for a walk, meeting old friends."

"Since grandpa welcomes you so much, then I really won't leave."

"That's great!" Mr. Si laughed, and his mood immediately improved a lot.

After talking and laughing, Sheng Fenghua saw that Mr. Si had changed into his clothes for going out, and couldn't help asking, "Grandpa, do you want to go out?"

"Yes, I plan to chat with some old friends." Mr. Si smiled and asked, "Fenghua, are you okay? If not, come with me."

"What can I do?"

"Then it's a deal, you go with me." Mr. Si made a final decision.

"Okay, I'll go with you forever." Sheng Fenghua agreed with a smile. Anyway, it's fine at home, so it's good to go out for a walk.

Moreover, sometimes it is interesting to listen to the old people talk.

Old man Si went out with Sheng Fenghua, but as for Si Mufeng, he was ignored by the old man.Fortunately, he didn't care, so after sending them out, he went back to the study.

Sheng Fenghua and the old man sat in the car and went to the place where the old people usually gather.On the way, old man Si suddenly asked, "Fenghua, is it Mu Feng who asked you to come back?"

Sheng Fenghua smiled, but did not speak.

Seeing her like this, the old man strengthened his guess and said: "Fenghua, do you think your uncle will hate me if I always disagree with your uncle's marriage with Mei Ruolan?"

"Grandpa, why do you think so?" Sheng Fenghua turned his head to look at Mr. Si, enlightened him, and said, "You still don't know what kind of person my uncle is. If you don't agree, he will only find a way Let you agree, not hate you."

"Really?" Mr. Si couldn't believe it.

 Ranran's new book, "Ace Military Marriage: Rebirth of the Ninety-eight Pretty Wife" asks for favorites, comments, ratings, and votes! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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