ace warm marriage

Chapter 1438 A family reunion

Chapter 1438 Family Reunion ([-])

Then Si Mufeng and Mei Ruolan also greeted them.

"Second brother, second sister-in-law!"

"Third brother, third younger sibling!"

"Uncle, auntie!"

Although Si Zhanbei didn't like their family, but today was the day of family reunion after all, so he didn't disappoint. After greeting them lightly, he didn't say much.

Sheng Fenghua was not a talkative person either, after saying hello, he sat aside and listened quietly.Unless Wang Meiyu asked her to talk, she would reply a few words, otherwise she would not speak.

Wang Meiyu said a few words to Sheng Fenghua, but seeing Sheng Fenghua like this, she didn't have any interest in talking.

Si Tiantian always wanted to talk to Sheng Fenghua, but couldn't get in.Seeing that her mother stopped talking now, she immediately ran to Sheng Fenghua, and shouted with a smile, "Sister-in-law!"

"Tian Tian, ​​is there something wrong?"

"Sister-in-law, when is the little nephew coming out?" Si Tiantian asked, her gaze fell on Sheng Fenghua's swollen belly, with a curious expression on her face.

Si Tiantian is Si Muyun's only daughter. She is 22 years old and is studying at B University. She is still a naive and romantic girl.

She seldom comes back, and she is not very familiar with Sheng Fenghua.But she likes this little sister-in-law very much and likes to talk with her.

Sheng Fenghua also likes this sister-in-law very much. She has no intentions, is quite cute, and has a good smile.

She is different from her mother Wang Meiyu, she doesn't look like a mother and daughter at all.Because every time Wang Meiyu speaks, she is utilitarian and purposeful.If you don't watch out, you will fall into the trap. Sheng Fenghua doesn't like this very much, so he doesn't pay much attention to her.

Sheng Fenghua laughed and said, "Soon."

"Is sister-in-law real? My little nephew is about to be born?" Si Tiantian was surprised, looking forward to the unborn little nephew.

"Of course it's true, sister-in-law can't lie to you." Sheng Fenghua smiled and looked down at his stomach, where the two little ones were about to be born.

She could feel that the little ones were moving more frequently in the past few days, and it seemed that she couldn't wait to figure it out.

"Haha, sister-in-law, have you chosen your little nephew's name?" Si Tiantian asked again.

"Not yet, the name has to wait for grandpa to pick it up. Your brother and I will give him a nickname at most."

"That's right. Grandpa is the head of the family. He will definitely do his part in naming things."

Seeing Si Tiantian and Sheng Fenghua chatting so happily, Mei Ruolan also came over and asked, "What are you talking about, so happy?"

"Auntie, we are talking about when our little nephew will be born." Si Tiantian replied with a smile, seeing that Mei Ruolan's belly is not small anymore, and then asked: "How many months is my little brother now?"

"It's been more than four months." Mei Ruolan laughed, reaching out to touch her belly, the joy of being a mother hung on her face, and she looked extremely gentle.

"Auntie, you are so beautiful!" Si Tiantian was stunned looking at Mei Ruolan like this.

"Tiantian is also pretty." Mei Ruolan replied with a smile, then asked about Si Tiantian's situation in school, and specifically asked her if she had a boyfriend.

When Si Tiantian heard Mei Ruolan asked if she had a boyfriend, her face turned red instantly.

Seeing her like this, Mei Ruolan laughed and joked, and said, "Tiantian, does this mean that you already have a boyfriend? How does he look like, where is he from, and does he treat you well?"

Si Tiantian became more and more shy, and secretly glanced at his mother Wang Meiyu, then lowered his voice and said, "Auntie, sister-in-law, you have to keep it secret for me, my mother doesn't know yet."

(End of this chapter)

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