ace warm marriage

Chapter 1439 A family reunion

Chapter 1439 Family Reunion ([-])
"Okay, let's keep it secret, tell us quickly." Mei Ruolan's gossip made Sheng Fenghua a little speechless.Sure enough, gossip is a woman's nature, even people like Mei Ruolan are not immune.

"His name is Lin Yi. He is from another province. He is the senior of our department and is in charge of the life department. He often takes care of me, just like a big brother."

When Si Tiantian mentioned Lin Yi, his face was flushed and shy.It can be seen that she likes the man named Lin Yi very much.

"Tiantian, when will you bring him, let us meet."

"No, my mother will definitely not agree. She always wants me to marry someone in the circle, but I don't like it. So now I'm dating Lin Yi secretly, and I can't let my mother know, otherwise I will definitely die. "

"Well, then be careful, don't be fooled. There are a lot of scumbags in men nowadays, you have to keep your eyes open. If you want to find someone like your uncle or elder brother."

"Auntie, I understand." Si Tiantian nodded, she was relatively simple, but she was not an idiot.When she was dating Lin Yi, she didn't tell him her identity.Moreover, I seldom go home, and usually wear ordinary clothes in school.

"That's fine, anyway, just be careful yourself." Mei Ruolan reminded Si Tiantian again.She was still a little worried about Si Tiantian, she was too naive.

Speaking of it, I don't know how Wang Meiyu taught her. She was so scheming, but the daughter she taught was so innocent. The contrast was really big.

"Well, I will."

Mei Ruolan watched as Si Tiantian listened to her own words, and didn't say much.Turn around and talk to Sheng Fenghua.

Just as he was talking, he heard Mr. Si's voice suddenly get louder, saying two words: "No!"

Hearing Mr. Si's voice, Mei Ruolan and Sheng Fenghua immediately silenced and looked up at the men.I saw that the old man's face was not good, and the faces of his own men were also a little dark.

At this time, Si Muyun spoke up and said, "Dad, why don't you want to help a bunch of sons just because of your words? Am I still your son?"

"You don't have to be my son." Old Master Si looked displeased, very disappointed with Si Muyun.There are a lot of cleverness, but no real ability.

He refused to do things in a down-to-earth manner, and asked him to come forward to find someone to change his position.Not to mention his own ability, even if he has outstanding ability, he will not help a person with a bad mind.

If it wasn't for him, the eldest couple wouldn't have died young.Si Zhanbei would not have been without parents since he was a child.

"Dad, how can you say that about Mu Yun? He's been working hard all the time, so it's okay if you help him. Besides, you're old now, and you have the right to use it now, and you won't be able to use it if you want to."

Wang Meiyu was on the sidelines, and his words made Mr. Si even more angry, and said coldly: "Whether you need it or not is my business, you don't care. If you have the ability, you can climb up by yourself."

"Dad, do you have to be so cruel?" Si Muyun looked at Mr. Si with an angry expression on his face.In the past, there was an elder brother who suppressed him, but the old man ignored him, but he also accepted it.But now, with his brother gone, the old man still treats him like this, which makes him feel extremely unbalanced.

Why, he is also his son!

"You say in good conscience, am I cruel?" Mr. Si was so angry that his face began to turn red.

(End of this chapter)

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