ace warm marriage

Chapter 1449 New Mission

Chapter 1449 New Mission ([-])

Originally, Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei didn't want to make such a grand event for the child's full moon, but several old people objected unanimously.Moreover, he also said that they don't have to worry about the child's full moon, and they will take care of it.

The husband and wife can't hold back a few old people, so they have to let them go.

Fortunately, the few old people are just talking, and there are naturally other people who handle the matter.It wasn't until the day of the full moon feast that Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua, the parents, were finally notified.

This gave the two of them the illusion that they were not the parents of the child.

The banquet was held in a villa next to the Si family's mansion, not far from the mansion, just a few steps away.Mr. Si took the child there early, but the parents Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua were the last to arrive.

When they arrived, there were already many people around the babies.A one-month-old child is about the same age as other people's three or four-month-old children.

Moreover, the longer the two children grow, the more delicate they become, and the longer they become, the cuter they are. Everyone who sees them can't put it down, and can't wait to take them home.

The babies didn't recognize their birth, no matter who was holding them, they all looked at each other with a pair of black jade-like eyes.That cute and cute appearance instantly attracted countless fans.

When Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei walked up to the children, they saw that they were already sleepy, so they smiled and said to everyone: "Sorry, the children are sleepy, we took them to rest."

After finishing speaking, Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua pushed the child's car away.But Mr. Si and the others stayed behind to greet the guests and socialize.

Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua sent the children back to the mansion, watched the children fall asleep, let the nanny of the mansion watch, and then they and Si Zhanbei went back to the banquet venue.

Sheng Fenghua was just out of confinement, and he was worried about the child, so the two of them didn't stay long, and left after showing their faces.

Si Zhanbei's brothers did not stay for long.They also didn't like the entertainment at the banquet, so as soon as they saw Si Zhanbei and the others leave, they also left and came to the mansion.

When they arrived at the mansion, Si Zhanbei was talking with a few brothers in the living room, and Sheng Fenghua went straight back to the room to watch the children.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua come back, the nanny was a little surprised, and asked, "Young Madam, the banquet has just begun, why did you come back?"

"I don't worry about the children, I'm afraid they will wake up soon." Sheng Fenghua smiled, and said to the nanny: "It will be fine, you can do other things."

"That's all right, Young Madam, I'll go to work first." The nanny finished speaking and left.

After the nanny left, Sheng Fenghua directly brought the child into the space.She found that the air in the space is better, which is good for the children.

After entering the space, Sheng Fenghua directly brought the children into the plum grove, picked some plum blossoms, and prepared to brew some plum wine.

She remembered that in ancient times, after giving birth to a daughter, the parents would bury a few jars of daughter's red under the tree, and then dig it out when the daughter got married.

Now that she can't buy Nurhong, she has to make plum wine by herself.

Sheng Fenghua picked a lot of plum blossoms, washed them by the pool, dried them, put them in a jar and buried them.

She made a total of [-] altars of plum blossom wine, planning to learn from the ancients, and then dig it out when her daughter gets married.

After working for a long time, the children also woke up and cried.

Seeing the children crying, Sheng Fenghua immediately took them out of the space, and then took out milk powder to prepare for them to drink.

When Si Zhanbei downstairs heard the cry of the child, he immediately ran up and helped Sheng Fenghua feed the child.

(End of this chapter)

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