ace warm marriage

Chapter 1450 New Mission

Chapter 1450 New Mission ([-])

Half an hour had passed by the time the child was fed.The little ones who were full fell asleep again.Sheng Fenghua could finally take a rest.

"Daughter-in-law, thank you for your hard work!" Si Zhanbei watched the children fall asleep, and stretched out his arms to his little wife, with a distressed expression on his face.

He usually spends less time at home, although he also has a nanny.In addition, Ye Qingge and several old people also helped Sheng Fenghua take care of the children, but he knew that his little wife was not easy.

Because, they can only help during the day, and Sheng Fenghua is the only one at night.Needless to say, it is hard work for one person to take care of two children.But these, Sheng Fenghua never complained to him.

"It's okay!" Sheng Fenghua smiled and shook her head, she didn't feel how hard she was.Because the mother is taking care of the child most of the time, and her mother is just a decoration most of the time.

She sometimes wonders if the two children will not know her if this continues.

But, fortunately, she is taking care of the children at night.Therefore, the children can still recognize her.Because every time they see her, the children will smile.

When she was feeding them at night, the two of them would play with the pacifier naughtily, eating it in and spitting it out in a while.

Si Zhanbei sat in the room for a while, thinking that Xu Qicheng and the others were still below, so he said to Sheng Fenghua: "Brother, they are still below, do you want to go down and talk to them?"

"Forget it, I won't go. I was busy in the space for a while just now, I'm a little tired, and I want to sleep for a while."

Hearing what Sheng Fenghua said, Si Zhanbei didn't force it, and said, "That's fine, you have a good sleep, I'll go down and see if they've left."

Seeing Sheng Fenghua lay down on the bed, Si Zhanbei left the room and went downstairs.

In the living room on the first floor, Xu Qicheng and the others did not leave, but found a set of mahjong from nowhere, and were playing happily.

Seeing the brothers having a good time, Si Zhanbei didn't bother them, turned around and went upstairs again.

Sheng Fenghua, who was about to fall asleep, watched Si Zhanbei go and return, opened his eyes, and asked, "What's wrong? Brother, they left?"

"No!" Si Zhanbei shook his head with a smile, and said, "Brother, they are playing mahjong."

"Play mahjong?" Sheng Fenghua was a little surprised. He didn't expect Xu Qicheng and the others to play mahjong.

"That's right. So I didn't bother them, and came up directly to accompany you and the child." While talking, Si Zhanbei lay down on the bed, then stretched out his hand to hug Sheng Fenghua into his arms, and said, " Go to sleep, I will sleep with you for a while."

"Okay!" Sheng Fenghua smiled, kissed Si Zhanbei, then closed his eyes and fell asleep in his arms.

Si Zhanbei watched his little wife close her eyes, and then he closed his eyes, slowed down his breathing, and fell asleep.

After the two fell asleep like this, another hour passed.It wasn't until the outside of the mansion became lively that he opened his eyes.

"Why so noisy?" Sheng Fenghua was woken up, glanced at Si Zhanbei who was also woken up, and asked.

"The banquet is probably over and everyone is about to leave, so let's say goodbye." Si Zhanbei got up from the bed while talking, and went to the window to take a look.

Sure enough, he guessed right, the noise outside was indeed because those who attended the banquet were about to go back, and came to say goodbye to Mr. Si one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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