ace warm marriage

Chapter 1451 New Mission

Chapter 1451 New Mission ([-])

It turned out that Mr. Si and a few old friends had already returned and were making tea in the living room.

Those who attended the banquet knew that Mr. Si was here, so they came here to say goodbye.

After the farewell person left, the outside soon became quiet.Seeing that it was getting late, several old people woke up their grandson who was playing mahjong, and went home together.

Seeing that the brothers were about to leave, Si Zhanbei came down from upstairs, and then sent the elders and brothers away together on behalf of Mr. Si.

After seeing off people, Si Zhanbei saw that it was past ten o'clock, so he urged Mr. Si to go to rest.

Mr. Si was indeed a little tired, so he nodded and said, "Then I'll go to rest first, and I'll leave the rest to you."

It was already 11:30 when Si Zhanbei finished dealing with the rest of the matter.So, he went back to the room, and together with Sheng Fenghua, fed the babies again, and then fell asleep with Sheng Fenghua again.

After the full moon wine, Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei took the children back to their home, and Mr. Si followed him again.

Since having two great-grandchildren, Mr. Si has become younger and younger.He talks to the two children every day, even if they don't understand, he can talk with joy alone.

Now, as long as he doesn't see the child for a day, he will feel uncomfortable.So, he didn't live in the mansion at all, and just lived with Sheng Fenghua and the others.

In a blink of an eye, a few months have passed, and the babies are already half a year old.Moreover, they also have big names, the girl is called Si Qingluan, and the boy is called Si Jincheng, which is the name given by Master Si to Master Wuyong.

When the babies were half a year old, Si Zhanbei finished his studies and returned to the army in City A.Sheng Fenghua stayed in City B for the time being.

Although she repeatedly asked to return to the team, Political Commissar Yang never agreed.Because now Sheng Fenghua is a mother, her two children are still young, and Si Zhanbei has returned to the Special Forces. If Sheng Fenghua comes back again, in case something happens, how will he explain to Mr. Si and his two children.

In view of this consideration, Sheng Fenghua's request to return to the team has been suppressed by him.

As soon as Si Zhanbei returned to the Special Forces, he was warmly welcomed by everyone.Qin Feng also specially organized a welcome banquet for him, which was very lively.

On the third day after Si Zhanbei returned to the team, the special operations team received a new mission.

Si Zhanbei called Sheng Fenghua, told her that he was going on a mission and it might not be convenient to talk on the phone, and reassured her that he would return safely.

After making the phone call, Si Zhanbei took his brothers on a mission.

Their task this time was to escort a scientific research achievement from Qingshi to a factory in Wushi for production.

Once this scientific research achievement is mass-produced, it will not only enhance national strength, but also greatly improve the people's living standards.

For this reason, the spy departments of several countries and some people in the underworld are staring at this achievement, wanting to prevent this achievement from being put into mass production.

Si Zhanbei led his team members, and soon arrived in Qingshi, and entered the research institute of scientific research results.

As soon as they entered, Si Zhanbei felt a lot of eyes staring at them, so he immediately said to his brothers: "Be vigilant, we have been watched."

"Damn, I've been targeted since I just took over the mission. It must be a rough road." Hu Dongyang couldn't help but cursed, this is simply a bad start.

(End of this chapter)

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