ace warm marriage

Chapter 1452 New Mission

Chapter 1452 New Task ([-])

"Stop talking nonsense and work hard." Si Zhanbei said something to Hu Dongyang, then turned to look for the person in charge of the research institute.

Things are ready for handover at any time.Ke Si Zhanbei considered that there were so many eyes staring outside, they would definitely become targets once they went out.

So, he thought of a way, that is to ask the person in charge of the research institute to prepare two identical boxes to confuse the public.

Liu Gong, the person in charge of the research institute, also felt that Si Zhanbei's method was feasible.Since this research was made, there have been many eyes staring at it, both openly and secretly.

Fortunately, the security measures in their research institute are okay, otherwise this thing would have been stolen long ago.This is why they are eager to put it into production. As long as the thing is put into production, even if those people make up their minds, it will be useless.

The box was ready soon, and Si Zhanbei left the research results in the research institute, and made an agreement with Liu Gong that he would send someone to pick up the goods, and then left the research institute with the empty box.

The guards outside the research institute saw Si Zhanbei and his party coming out, and immediately chased after him.

Of course, in order to prevent the tiger from leaving the mountain, various organizations still kept eyeliner.

Fortunately, Si Zhanbei had expected this situation a long time ago, so he didn't let other people come over right away.Not only that, he also asked Liu Gong to lower the level of security guards by a notch.

The members of the Lone Wolf Special Forces guarded the scientific research results and boarded the train.They didn't board the passenger car, but sat in the freight vehicle.

In this way, if there is a fight, the innocent will not be hurt.

The cargo compartment was relatively stuffy, and the only ventilation door was tightly closed.Si Zhanbei and his brothers nestled in the carriage, talking and raising their vigilance.

When the train left the station, there was a gust of wind blowing in the carriage, which made them feel a lot more comfortable when they were stuffy.

It's going to be fine, everyone rests in the trunk.

The train moved forward slowly and soon arrived at a station.But at this time, Si Zhanbei and his brothers suddenly felt something strange.

Si Zhanbei made a silent gesture to everyone, and then listened intently.After a while, Si Zhanbei heard a slight sound of footsteps coming from the top of the carriage.

This is a truck, but there is a sound on the roof of the truck, obviously it cannot be the person unloading the cargo.Then the only possibility is to come for them.

Si Zhanbei and his brothers turned ugly when they thought that someone was coming towards them so soon.It's only now at the first stop, and they haven't even left the territory of Qingzhou, so these people can't wait.

If they don't give each other a good look, then there will definitely be no rest along the way.Of course, even if you give the other party a lot of power, you probably won't be able to stop along the way.

After a while, footsteps sounded again.It was the people who had passed before and came back, as if they were looking for traces of Si Zhanbei and the others.

After all, there are a lot of boxes in the truck, all of which have been loaded, and it has been really difficult to tell them apart.So, they searched again but couldn't find it, and it was hard to start.

The sound of footsteps on the roof of the carriage came back and forth several times, and it didn't stop until the train moved again.

Seeing the train leave, the tense and alert people relaxed.

"Captain, did those people withdraw just like that?" The talkative Hu Dongyang couldn't help but speak again. These people gave up so easily, why doesn't it feel like their style.

Could it be that those people were just scouting the way just now, and then planned to do it at the next station?
(End of this chapter)

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