ace warm marriage

Chapter 1453 New Mission

Chapter 1453 New Task ([-])

Because the stations of this truck are usually relatively remote, it is quite convenient to do it even at the station.

"Wait and see!" Si Zhanbei said a few words indifferently, since the other party has their eyes on them, they will definitely not let it go.

It's been a long time on this road, and the opponent may launch an assault at any time.And what they have to do is wait, waiting for those people to take the bait.

It's just that the only thing Si Zhanbei is worried about now is whether his strategy will work. If it works, it's okay to say, but he is afraid that the other party also has smart people who can see that he is building plank roads openly and secretly.

At this time, in the research institute, after Si Zhanbei and his party left, Liu Gong lowered the security level.

As soon as the security level is lowered, people will naturally go in to check the truth.Fortunately, Si Zhanbei also took this matter into consideration and asked Liu Gong to transfer the scientific research results.

When the other party sneaked into the research institute and confirmed that the things were really taken away, they notified the higher-ups, and then removed the people who were staring at the research institute.

However, there are also many people who are unwilling to give up and have been watching.A record is kept of every stranger who enters the institute.

This is also the reason why Si Zhanbei didn't allow his own people to obtain scientific research results immediately, for fear of being discovered by those nails and making the effort fall short.

As soon as the people from the research institute evacuated, Si Zhanbei and the others clearly felt that more and more people were stepping on the site.Almost every small station, there will be someone ready to move.

It's just that they were just exploring the way, but they never made a move, not even once.

I don't know if it's because they haven't figured out which carriage Si Zhanbei and the others are in until now.

However, as time went by, Si Zhanbei knew that it would be a matter of time before they were exposed, so he arranged the brothers into two shifts and took turns to guard them.

A few hours later, the train left Qingzhou.Those who stared at them all the way finally made a move.

Si Zhanbei and the others got on the bus in the afternoon, and it happened to be evening when they left Qingzhou.The night is dark and the wind is high, which is the time to do bad things.

Those who followed all the way finally found a chance to make a move.The place they chose to do it was in a mountainous area with many tunnels.

Not only were there many tunnels in that place, but it was also not far from a freight station.It happened that the speed of the train would slow down, and those people just took advantage of the slow speed of the train to get on the train directly from the tunnel.

Once on the train, they went straight to the compartment where Si Zhanbei and the others were sitting.

Hearing the movement on the carriage door, Si Zhanbei immediately made preparations, and only waited for the other party to open the carriage door before taking action.

The train is moving, and the door of this carriage is not so easy to open.

It took a while for the other party to open the door of the carriage. However, just as they were about to enter, a person suddenly appeared behind him, and he directly grabbed the other party with his hand, dragged the other party down, and fell on the rails.

Obviously, the enemy didn't expect that there were people like Si Zhanbei and the others outside.They always thought that Si Zhanbei and the others were all in the trunk.

To solve an enemy, the fox guarding outside notified Si Zhanbei and the others with a secret signal, and then went back to lurk.

In fact, at the beginning, there was really no one outside.However, seeing that it was getting dark later, Si Zhanbei let a few brothers go out and lie in ambush in another carriage.

Just when the enemy was about to make a move, Si Zhanbei called the people who were in ambush outside, and he happened to finish off the opponent.

After solving a group of enemies, Si Zhanbei and the others did not relax.

(End of this chapter)

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