ace warm marriage

Chapter 1454 On the Escort

Chapter 1454 On the Escort ([-])

Because the station is about to arrive, and some of the brothers have to come down to have a rest, the enemy is likely to take advantage of this time to act again.

The train slowly entered the station, and the enemy rushed out from the shadows impatiently, heading towards the top of the train.

When the train stopped, some brothers couldn't hold back and begged to come down.

Si Zhanbei agreed, and then secretly gestured to them a few times.After the brothers who asked to get off expressed their understanding, they opened the door of the carriage and jumped down one by one.

When the enemy saw someone jumping out of the carriage, they were overjoyed. Those who had already got on the roof of the carriage immediately moved towards Si Zhanbei and his carriage.

And the people lurking in other parts of the train station, ready to respond, immediately approached the soldiers who got off the train quietly.

The enemy on the roof of the carriage quickly approached the carriage where Si Zhanbei and the others were. Seeing that there were only two carriages left, the enemy couldn't help getting excited and speeding up.

However, just as they were about to jump over the gap between the two carriages, the foxes who had been lurking inside made their move.

They waited and waited, and directly pulled the enemy off the roof of the carriage.Suddenly, the enemy is not a vegetarian.They knew that they had encountered an ambush, and immediately fought the fox and the others.

The connection between the carriages is very narrow, and it is very inconvenient to use hands.So, after a few tricks, Qi Qi jumped onto the carriage and started fighting.

You come and go, punching and kicking, martial arts are performed on the roof of the carriage.

When the fox and the others fought against the enemy, those soldiers who went out to relieve themselves were not idle.They got off the train, and as soon as they reached the place where they were going to relieve themselves, the enemy rushed out.

There is no way, I can only call first and then talk.Fortunately, the soldiers were well prepared, so they were ruthless when they shot.After a few strokes, the enemy was dealt with, and only then did his own physical problems be solved.

However, at this time, the train was about to leave again.The relaxed warrior immediately spread his legs and ran towards the train.

But at this time, a few enemies came out of nowhere, trying to prevent the soldiers from getting on the car.There was no way, the soldiers had no choice but to shoot directly.One shot eliminated the enemy, and then quickly ran towards the train.

As the train started, the person on the top of the carriage couldn't stand up, let alone it was still running.Fortunately, it is a truck, and the roof of the carriage is relatively flat.

The train was going all the way, and the people on the roof were fighting all the way.Seeing that the battle had not been resolved after such a long time, Si Zhanbei couldn't help urging: "Hurry up!"

"Boss, I understand!" The person above responded, and then speeded up.

After a while, the train was about to speed up, and the fox and others finally dealt with the enemies and threw them off the train.As for the aftermath, of course someone will take care of it, so they don't need to worry about it.

After finishing off the enemy and having a fight, the foxes and the others got off the roof of the carriage and returned to the carriage.

"Fox, take a break."

"Dongzi, take someone out with you."

"Yes, boss!"

Hu Dongyang responded, and then led another group of people out.There are too many people staring at the scientific research results. The group just now is probably the same as when they were in the tunnel before, just testing the waters.

A powerful role, probably still to come.In addition, one night is quite long, who knows when the enemy will appear, it is better to be careful.

As soon as Hu Dongyang led his men to lurk down, he found a small fish chasing the train under the railway tracks.

Seeing the other party, Hu Dongyang slightly hooked his lips and sneered.He thought he would have to wait a while before the enemy came over.

(End of this chapter)

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