ace warm marriage

Chapter 1455 On the Escort

Chapter 1455 On the Escort ([-])

Since the other party is so anxious to come over to die, why doesn't he help the other party?When the other party approached his hiding place, Hu Dongyang made a move.

He didn't shoot, but took out a few stones from nowhere, and shot them with a slingshot.

The stone hit the opponent's body, and the pain caused the opponent to yell, and he couldn't even ride the car stably, and fell to the ground.

After solving Xiaoyu, Hu Dongyang blew his whistle proudly, very happy.

I let you chase!That's what happens.

Hu Dongyang lurked again, and reported to Si Zhanbei that he had solved a small fish.

"Very well, strengthen your vigilance." Si Zhanbei ordered, and then told the foxes to rest immediately, in case the enemy raided in the middle of the night.

The train ran forward, and the fox and others fell asleep.Si Zhanbei watched everyone fall asleep, and then closed his eyes.

As the night darkened, the temperature dropped little by little, Hu Dongyang and the others who were lurking outside were terribly cold.When they first came out, they forgot to bring their coats.

Although he was wearing a few clothes, he still couldn't resist the cold of the night wind.What's more, the train was moving fast, and the wind it brought was strong, and it felt colder and colder when it was blowing on people's bodies.

"Dongzi, are you cold?" Xiao Shitou was shivering from the cold, and couldn't help asking Hu Dongyang.Little Stone felt that if he continued to freeze, he would become a popsicle.

"What do you think?" Hu Dongyang replied angrily, who knew it would suddenly be so cold.Had they known, they would have brought out the coat.

It's good now, without a coat, if it freezes, they will probably catch a cold.

"Dongzi, why don't we talk to the captain and ask him to send someone to bring us some coats." Xiao Shitou suggested.

"No, the captain and the others must be asleep at this time, it would be bad if we woke them up." Hu Dongyang shook his head, he didn't want to disturb Si Zhanbei and his rest.

"Then we're just freezing like this?"

"Be patient, someone will replace us soon."

"Okay, listen to you."

After hearing Hu Dongyang's words, Xiao Shitou stopped talking, and was about to suffer like this.But at this moment, the people in the carriage also woke up from the cold.

As soon as Si Zhanbei woke up, he thought of Hu Dongyang and the others who were on duty outside, so he immediately sent them a coat.

"Dongzi, Dongzi, please answer." Si Zhanbei suddenly turned on the headset and contacted Hu Dongyang.

"Received!" After Hu Dongyang responded, Si Zhanbei said: "Dongzi, I will send someone to deliver coats to you now, you hold on for a while."


Not long after the call was turned off, the soldier came out of the carriage and brought coats to Hu Dongyang and the others.

Hu Dongyang took the coat, thanked his comrades in arms, and sent them to Xiao Shitou and the other brothers one by one.

Seeing someone coming, Xiao Shitou thought it was an enemy at first, and was about to make a move, but found out that it was Hu Dongyang, and couldn't help asking with a look of surprise: "Dongzi, why are you here?"

"The captain sent us overcoats, and I'll get them for you."

"Thanks, otherwise ours will really freeze." Xiao Shitou took the coat and put it on his body.

Put on a coat, it's much warmer.Little Stone, who had been shivering all the time, stopped shivering.

"It's the captain who knows that he loves us." Xiao Shitou said with emotion.

"That's right, the captain doesn't love us, who loves us?" Hu Dongyang smiled, stretched out his hand and thumped the small stone, and said: "I'll go to the other people to see."

(End of this chapter)

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