ace warm marriage

Chapter 1457 On the Escort

Chapter 1457 On the Escort ([-])

"Of course not, I have already sent a message to the nearby fire brigade, and they will naturally deal with it."

As soon as the accident happened, he thought it might be an enemy's conspiracy, so he contacted the nearby fire squadron.

Of course, even if he doesn't contact, someone will definitely call the police for such a big commotion.

After hearing Si Zhanbei's words, the soldier stopped talking.Although they want to help, their mission is more important now.

If the scientific research results are mass-produced, then tens of thousands of people will benefit.And even if they go to save them now, they will only save a few people.

Anyone can settle accounts.So, soon the team members quieted down and guarded in the carriage, no one went out.

On the contrary, the enemy, seeing that it was useless to move the tiger away from the mountain, immediately changed his strategy and planned to attack by force.

"Here we come!" Si Zhanbei had been quietly listening to the movement outside, and when the enemy moved out, he caught the movement, "Everyone, get ready!"

"Understood!" Everyone responded, and then opened the safety on the gun, waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

Not long after, gunshots rang out, and dense bullets shot towards the carriage where Si Zhanbei and the others were sitting, as if to smash the carriage into a sieve.

Hearing the gunshots, Si Zhanbei and the others turned dark.The enemy shot directly without waiting to get close. In this way, their advantage was lost.

Not only that, but they were all in the carriage, and if they couldn't get out, it was like catching a turtle in a urn.

damn it!
The soldiers cursed in a low voice. Fortunately, the train's carriage is relatively thick, and it is not so easy for bullets to penetrate.In this way, the soldiers are still safe for the time being, so they counterattacked with all their strength.

At the same time, Hu Dongyang and the others who were lurking outside also took action, setting up sniper rifles on the roof of the carriage, and calling the enemies one by one.

In this way, the pressure on Si Zhanbei and the others was well relieved, and their counterattack was much stronger.The enemy was very annoyed when he saw his own people being suppressed by the snipers.It was decided to send a few people to deal with the snipers on the roof of the carriage.

Unexpectedly, although there is only one sniper, there are more than one people lurking in the dark.As soon as those people approached the carriage, they were dealt with.

The person in charge of the enemy was extremely annoyed when he saw that his people were being killed one by one.He no longer had any scruples, and directly ordered his subordinates: "Grenade, blow up that carriage for me."

The enemy's words reached the ears of Si Zhanbei and the others, making them worried.

"Dongzi, the enemy is going to blow up the carriage, so you find a way to stop it." Now, even if they change carriages, it's too late.Therefore, the best way is for Hu Dongyang and the others to stop, or resist, so that the brothers have a chance to leave the carriage.

Si Zhanbei didn't want his brothers to be left here before the task was completed.

"Understood!" Hu Dongyang responded, and then set up a sniper rifle to shoot the enemy's grenade.

"Jump!" Si Zhanbei watched Hu Dongyang suppress the enemy, and immediately ordered his men to jump out of the car.

With an order, the soldiers jumped out of the carriage without saying a word.Si Zhanbei was the last one, and his hands were still tied with the box containing scientific research results.

Seeing that they had forced Si Zhanbei and the others down, the enemy was overjoyed.Especially when they saw the box that Si Zhanbei was carrying, they were overjoyed.

That was what they wanted, and if they couldn't get it, they had to destroy it.

(End of this chapter)

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