ace warm marriage

Chapter 1458 Car Crash and Death

Chapter 1458 Car Crash and Death ([-])

The people above have ordered that what they can't get, others can't get it either.So, anyway, today they're either going to grab something or destroy it.

With this belief in mind, the person in charge of the enemy gave an order, and all the people headed towards Si Zhanbei.

Seeing the people coming towards him, Si Zhanbei was not afraid at all, and kept fighting back.Even though he was holding something in his hand, his counterattack speed did not decrease at all.

The person in charge of the enemy saw that Si Zhanbei was so powerful, he was very anxious, and finally saw that his own people could not get close to Si Zhanbei, he was annoyed immediately, and directly ordered: "I don't care what method you use, put Things are ruined for me."

"Yes!" The subordinate responded, and then immediately adjusted his method, no longer rushing towards Si Zhanbei.They directly took out the grenade from their bodies and threw it towards Si Zhanbei.

When Si Zhanbei made a sound, his expression changed immediately, he turned around and ran away with his things in hand.In the blink of an eye, he ran out of the explosion range of the grenade.

On the contrary, the railroad track was severely bombed, and it was immediately paralyzed, unable to walk.

The driver on the truck had heard the movement outside, but he was too frightened to get out of the car, and stayed in the cab all the time.

Seeing that the railroad tracks were blown up, he took out his phone to call the police.After all, he is not the only train passing by on this road, there will be passenger cars in a while.

If the people on the bus didn't notice that the rails were broken and drove over directly, the consequences would be disastrous.

Seeing that the railway was blown up, Si Zhanbei and the others knew that there was no way to ride the train.However, fortunately, they have already reached the territory of Wu City, so they can drive there.

So, after evading the enemy's grenade, Si Zhanbei immediately contacted his own people and asked the other party to drive over to meet him.

Instead, they headed towards the corresponding location.

The person in charge saw that the bombing did not reach Si Zhanbei, but instead damaged the railway, and immediately understood what was wrong.He knew that the police would arrive soon.

Now, they couldn't even deal with the people from Si Zhanbei, let alone the police.So, instead of entanglement at the station, they forced Si Zhanbei and the others to leave this place.

In this way, it seems that different routes lead to the same goal. Si Zhanbei wants to leave here to join his own people.The enemy wanted to force Si Zhanbei and the others away from this place, so that their men could attack better without trouble.

People from both sides chased after each other, and headed towards the main road outside the station together.

The people from Si Zhanbei came very quickly, and they had already arrived when they first arrived at the main road.

"Get in the car!" Qin Feng, who was driving, shouted. Si Zhanbei got into the car first with the box, followed by Hu Dongyang and his brothers.

In order to accommodate so many people, Qin Feng deliberately drove a van.

Si Zhanbei sat in the first co-pilot's seat, looked at Qin Feng and asked, "Old Qin, why is it you, what about them?"

When leading the team out, Si Zhanbei deliberately divided the team into two just in case.Some of them were led by himself to pick up the goods.And Qin Feng took the other half of his brothers to meet him on the road.

"They are following in secret, and by the way solve the tail and trouble behind us." Qin Feng explained, and then started the car and left quickly.

Their car left, and the enemy chased after them. Seeing the car that had already driven away, they immediately started chasing them without saying a word.

Qin Feng's driving skills are good, and the car drives fast and stable.However, the enemy was not bad either. While biting them tightly, the distance between them was shortened bit by bit.

(End of this chapter)

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