ace warm marriage

Chapter 1461 Car Crash and Death

Chapter 1461 Car Crash and Death ([-])

Fengmian told Sheng Fenghua the news.

Dark Night also participated in this operation.

At first, Feng Mian didn't know that the escort mission was Huaxia's Lone Wolf Special Forces.Later, because of the news from the people in the dark night, I found out.

As soon as she got the news, Fengmian called Sheng Fenghua directly.Fengmian knew that Sheng Fenghua was one of the lone wolves, so she thought something happened to her too.

When Sheng Fenghua's call was connected, Fengmian asked directly: "Fenghua, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, what's the matter?" Sheng Fenghua is a sensitive person, Fengmian's words made her vigilant, and she asked, "What news did you hear?"

When Fengmian heard that Sheng Fenghua was fine, she felt relieved, and then said to her: "Fenghua, just now there is news that a special brigade in Huaxia was chased off a cliff by the enemy while escorting a scientific research achievement. Destruction."

"What did you say? The car crashed and people died?" Sheng Fenghua's heart tightened, and a bad premonition rose from her heart.

A few days ago, Si Zhanbei told her that she was going on a mission. It has been several days now, and they haven't heard any news.

She was wondering if the team Feng Mian mentioned would be able to fight against them.Thinking of this, Sheng Fenghua became impatient and asked, "Fengmian, can you find out the name of that special brigade?"

Feng Mian hesitated for a long time before uttering two words: "Lone Wolf!"

Sheng Fenghua was stunned when he heard these two words, his body was shaking, and he was about to fall to the ground.How could it be a lone wolf?
Si Zhanbei is so powerful, and Lone Wolf's brothers are not idiots, how could they be forced to fall into the cliff?
"Fenghua, Fenghua, are you alright?" Fengmian couldn't help but worry because he didn't hear Sheng Fenghua's response for a long time.He regretted that he told Sheng Fenghua the truth, what if she couldn't think about it?
Thinking that Sheng Fenghua might be overwhelmed and might do something stupid, Fengmian felt extremely regretful and said, "Fenghua, I'm sorry!"

"I'm fine!" Sheng Fenghua finally came to his senses, and then responded to Fengmian.

"Feng Mian, I have something else to do, so I'll hang up first." Sheng Fenghua was worried about Si Zhanbei, and he was in no mood to talk to Feng Mian any longer.

Whether it is or not, she has to confirm the news first.

After Sheng Fenghua finished speaking, he hung up Fengmian's phone, and then made a call to Commissar Yang.She knew that she had violated the regulations by doing so, but she was really worried about Si Zhanbei, so she had to ask clearly.

At this time, Commissar Yang was sitting in his office smoking in the Military District of City A, and he couldn't believe the news he just received.

After all, Lone Wolf is the sharp knife of their military region, and they have performed hundreds, if not thousands, of missions.Which time, they didn't finish well.

But this time, not only did they fail to complete the task, but they all sacrificed. How is this possible?
However, this news came from the people in Lone Wolf, which made him have to believe it.What's more, in order to confirm the news, he also specially contacted Si Zhanbei and Qin Feng, but neither Si Zhanbei nor Qin Feng responded.

This result made his whole heart sink.And just then, the phone rang.

Political Commissar Yang shuddered, then picked up the phone abruptly, and asked eagerly, "Lone wolf, is that you?"

"Commissioner Yang, it's me, Sheng Fenghua!"

Hearing Sheng Fenghua's voice, Political Commissar Yang was taken aback for a moment, then came back to his senses, eased his tone, and asked, "It's Fenghua, why did you call here? Is there something wrong?"

 Thanks for the reward of an acacia grass, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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