ace warm marriage

Chapter 1462 Heading to Kure City

Chapter 1462 Heading to Kure City ([-])

"Political commissar, I've heard about it."

When Political Commissar Yang heard this, his heart skipped a beat, and he secretly said something bad.But he said on his mouth: "What did you hear? You are talking nonsense, why can't I understand it?"

Although Commissar Yang concealed it well, Sheng Fenghua still heard something strange.This realization made Sheng Fenghua's heart sink, and he said, "Political Commissar, I request to return to the team."

"Fenghua, I told you last time that in your situation, even if you return to the team, you will be assigned to the logistics department." Political commissar Yang tried to persuade Sheng Fenghua, after all, Si Zhanbei and the others had already had an accident, and he didn't want Sheng Fenghua come back again.

Even if she had to come back, he still wanted Sheng Fenghua to go to the logistics support department.

"Political commissar, I want to return to the team." Sheng Fenghua is also a very stubborn person. If she wants to avenge Si Zhanbei, she must return to the special forces, otherwise she will have no chance at all.

"Fenghua, aren't you embarrassing me? Your child is still young, so it's not appropriate to join the team at this time."

"Besides, Zhan Bei is already in the Special Forces, and you are coming back again. What if something happens, what will the two children do?"

"Political Commissar, I know something happened to Zhanbei, and I want to avenge him." Sheng Fenghua didn't change her mind because of Commissar Yang's words, she must return to the Special Forces.

As for the two children, they can only be wronged.But she believed that even without her, Mr. Si and her parents would raise them well and bring them up.

"Fenghua, why are you so stubborn. If I say no, I just can't." Commissar Yang became tough, and he absolutely couldn't let Sheng Fenghua come back.Otherwise, he would be sorry to Si Zhanbei, and Mr. Si and the others.

"Okay, I see." Sheng Fenghua finished speaking lightly, and hung up the phone directly.She knew that Commissar Yang couldn't make sense here.

With no way to return to the team, she had to find another way.

Sheng Fenghua, who hung up the phone, thought about it, and finally decided to go to Wu City first.She was going to see the scene, she felt that it was impossible for Si Zhanbei to have an accident so easily.

After all, his experience is there. Every time they perform a mission, they will bring a nearby map with them. It is impossible for him not to know that the place is a cliff, and then lead a group of brothers to fall off the cliff.

After Sheng Fenghua made a decision, he went downstairs directly, found his mother and Mr. Si who were playing with the children, and said, "Mom, Grandpa, I have something to go on a long trip, please help me take care of the children for a few days." .”

"To Yuanmen, where are you going?" Old Master Si looked up at Sheng Fenghua and asked with a smile.

"I'm planning to go to Wu City. There are some things to deal with in the company." Sheng Fenghua lied, not wanting to worry Mr. Si.

"Okay, you go. We'll look after the child for you." When Mr. Si heard that it was the company's business, he didn't block Sheng Fenghua.

Because Sheng Fenghua has his own company, he knows it.Even if her company hires someone to manage it, there are still some things that require her to come forward.

"Thank you, grandpa!" Sheng Fenghua thanked, and then said to his mother Ye Qingge: "Mom, you will have to work hard for the next few days."

At night, the child must sleep with Ye Qingge, so she is the one who suffers the most.

"How many days are you going?" Ye Qingge asked.It doesn't matter if it's hard work or not, but she's worried that Sheng Fenghua will go for too long, and if a child finds her mother, she's afraid she won't be able to handle it.

"I'll be back in a week at most." Sheng Fenghua planned to go there by plane. It took two days to go back and forth, and five days to go to the scene of the incident to find clues. If there were no accidents, it should be more than enough.

(End of this chapter)

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