ace warm marriage

Chapter 1466 Meet at the bottom of the cliff

Chapter 1466 Meet at the bottom of the cliff ([-])

Seeing the car, Sheng Fenghua was overjoyed, and then speeded up.At this moment, she couldn't hear the sound of the phone at all.Because, she put the phone in the space.

Si Zhanbei drove the car very fast, and soon reached the cliff.Sure enough, he saw a car parked on the cliff, but he didn't see anyone.

Si Zhanbei got out of the car, and then checked around.In a blink of an eye, he saw the rope tied to the big tree next to him, and he became more and more sure that Sheng Fenghua had fallen off the cliff.

Taking out the phone again, Si Zhanbei started calling.Still no one answered, making him frown.

So, he walked to the edge of the cliff and shouted loudly: "Fenghua, Fenghua!"

"Daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law!"

He yelled several times, but still didn't hear an answer.

Down the cliff, Sheng Fenghua vaguely heard someone calling him, so he couldn't help but stop.He listened quietly for a while, but he didn't hear anything except the mountain wind.

Hearing no sound, Sheng Fenghua shook his head, thinking it was his hallucination.So she went down the cliff again.

Si Zhanbei shouted for a while, but there was still no answer.Si Zhanbei wanted to go down, but he was worried that the rope would not be able to bear the weight of two people.

He wanted to climb down directly, but the cliff was relatively steep, and if he didn't make it right, he would fall down and be smashed to pieces.

So, he stood on the cliff for a while, took out his phone and called.

"Help me prepare something!"

After hanging up the phone, Si Zhanbei was waiting on the cliff.The wait lasted for two hours. When Lin Xue delivered the things to Si Zhanbei, Sheng Fenghua had already reached the bottom of the cliff and was heading towards the flattened car.

When he got to the car, Sheng Fenghua looked at the wrecked car, and suddenly laughed: "Haha..."

She was very happy, very happy, there was no one in the car at all.So Si Zhanbei and the others are fine.

Great, they're all right, they're all right.

Sheng Fenghua jumped up excitedly, then stopped looking at the broken car, and found a place to rest.It took too long for her to come down, and she was already tired.

However, he persisted and walked to the front of the car.

Now, when she learned that Si Zhanbei was fine, her hanging heart was finally relieved.

Sheng Fenghua, who had no worries, was in a surprisingly good mood, found a stone and sat down.It was a bit cold at the bottom of the cliff, and Sheng Fenghua felt a chill after sitting down.

She reached out and hugged her arms, and then planned to enter the space.It's too cold outside, she can't stay here.

After looking around and finding no one other than her, Sheng Fenghua stepped into the space.At this time, Si Zhanbei had already tied the rope and was about to descend the cliff.

Before going down the cliff, Si Zhanbei said to Lin Xue: "You stay here and guard, I will go find Fenghua."

"Go, I'll wait for you to come up here." Lin Xue smiled, and found a place to sit down.She didn't expect Sheng Fenghua to go down the cliff, it was too risky.

If she had known that she would do this, she would have called her and told her that Si Zhanbei was fine.

In order to find his little wife as soon as possible, Si Zhanbei set the speed of the decline to the fastest.However, the cliff is too high, so it took some time.

However, when he got to the bottom of the cliff, he found that Sheng Fenghua was not there at all.After searching around, I only saw the rope that was going down the cliff.

After searching for a while, but Sheng Fenghua was not found, Si Zhanbei couldn't help becoming worried, and shouted loudly, "Daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law, where are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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