ace warm marriage

Chapter 1467 Meet at the bottom of the cliff

Chapter 1467 Meet at the bottom of the cliff ([-])

After all, Sheng Fenghua was taking a rest. After hearing the shout, he was overjoyed, and then quickly came out.

As soon as she came out, she happened to appear beside Si Zhanbei.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua suddenly appearing, Si Zhanbei was not surprised, he laughed and shouted: "Daughter-in-law!"

After the sound fell, Si Zhanbei reached out and hugged her.

"Zhan Bei, why are you here?" Sheng Fenghua hugged Si Zhanbei's waist tightly, seeing the real and alive him, feeling his body temperature, Sheng Fenghua was completely relieved.

However, when he thought that he had also come down, he couldn't help feeling a little worried, and said, "How did you get down?"

"Same as you!" Si Zhanbei smiled, then lowered his head and kissed his young wife's forehead, and said, "Have you rested yet? It's too cold down the cliff, let's go up."

"Have a good rest, let's go!" Sheng Fenghua found Si Zhanbei, so he didn't want to stay at the bottom of the cliff any longer, he wished he could go up immediately.

"That's okay, let's go up together." Si Zhanbei let go of Sheng Fenghua's hand, and then walked towards the direction of the rope.

When they got to the place, they each pulled a rope and went to the top of the cliff.

It is easy to go down the cliff, but difficult to go up the cliff.It took the two more than twice as long as going down the cliff before they reached the top of the cliff.After Lin Xue noticed the movement of the rope, she stood on the edge of the cliff and waited.

Seeing them coming up, he reached out and gave them a hand.

After the two reached the top of the cliff, they found a place to sit down.After sitting down, Sheng Fenghua thanked Lin Xue and asked, "Cousin, why are you here?"

Lin Xue walked to Sheng Fenghua's side and sat down, looked at her with a smile on her face, and said, "I'm here to run errands for your husband."

"What's going on?" Sheng Fenghua turned to look at Si Zhanbei with question marks all over his face.

Si Zhanbei smiled and talked about the mission this time.It was only then that Sheng Fenghua knew that Si Zhanbei and the others had even invited Lin Xue to participate in this mission.

It was also thanks to his trust in Lin Xue that if something went wrong, Si Zhanbei would definitely not be able to bear the consequences alone.

He is so bold.

At this time, Sheng Fenghua regretted that she did not participate in this mission. If she was there, she could put things in the space.

However, the matter has passed, but fortunately, there are no major problems.

The three of them sat on the cliff for a while, rested, and then drove back to Wu City.

It was already evening when they returned to Wu City, and the three of them went to have a meal together before they parted.Si Zhanbei followed Sheng Fenghua to the hotel, while Lin Xue went to meet the Si family's hidden guards, preparing to go back the next day.

When he arrived at the hotel, Si Zhanbei called Qin Feng and told them that he would go directly to the airport and told them not to wait for him.

A good night's sleep.The next day, after breakfast, Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua drove to the airport together.When they arrived, Qin Feng and others had already arrived and were waiting for them.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua, the brothers in the special forces team were very surprised.Only then did I understand why Si Zhanbei left in a hurry yesterday.

It turned out that he was going to accompany his wife.

This scattered the dog food, making their hearts sour.Especially those who have no wives or girlfriends, their hearts are getting more and more sour. Looking at Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua, they joked: "Captain, why don't you say anything when sister-in-law is here. Let's treat sister-in-law to dinner." .”

Si Zhanbei glanced at the speaker, but did not speak.On the contrary, Sheng Fenghua laughed and said, "Are you afraid that you won't have the chance to invite me to dinner? When I return to the team, you won't be able to invite me if you don't want to."

(End of this chapter)

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