ace warm marriage

Chapter 1474 Shengshi Hospital

Chapter 1474 Shengshi Hospital ([-])

However, the smile before she left made Sheng Fenghua feel a little strange.So, she took out a mirror from the drawer and looked at it.

Upon seeing it, she immediately blushed.I saw that my red lips were so bright that I could see that they had been raped.

Obviously, the previous secretary also found out, that's why he laughed like that.

Turning his head, Sheng Fenghua gave Si Zhanbei a hard look, and then tidied up in the mirror, and it seemed that it was not so obvious, then he made an internal call to inform Dongfang Hao that they had a meeting.

After receiving a call from Sheng Fenghua, the top executives of Shengshi went to the meeting room together.

A meeting lasted for two hours, and various departments reported their performance and next work plans, as well as the opening of the hospital.

Regarding the affairs of the hospital, although Sheng Fenghua let Feng Rui take full responsibility, he also asked people from other departments to assist.

Then she brought up her idea, that is, when Shengshi Hospital opened, she would come back once a month for consultation.In addition, she will invite several professors from the medical school to come over for consultation in turn.

Everyone must have strongly supported Sheng Fenghua's idea.Especially Feng Rui, seeing that the problem that bothered him was solved, he immediately booked a ticket to go abroad that night.

Since Sheng Fenghua helped him solve his worries, he had to find someone as soon as possible.

After the meeting, it happened to be lunch time, Sheng Fenghua invited everyone to a dinner together, accompanied by Si Zhanbei.

After dinner, the couple went home to rest for two hours, and then went to the medical school to visit professors.Originally, professors seldom went out for consultations, but it was different if the person invited was Sheng Fenghua.

In the end, the professors combined and decided to spend half a day each.Although it didn't meet my expectations, it might be good for half a day.Finally, Sheng Fenghua thanked the professors and promised them a lot of convenience and benefits before leaving.

The matter was settled, Sheng Fenghua had nothing else to do, and he missed the children again, so he went back to City B directly the next day.

For his daughter-in-law to leave so soon, Si Zhanbei was still very reluctant.But thinking that the children were still young and needed their mother's company, Sheng Fenghua could only be sent back in the end.

Seeing the reluctance of the man he loves, Sheng Fenghua softened his heart and decided to take the child to live in City A for a while.

Anyway, it won't be long before Shengshi Hospital will open.At that time, she must be present.Instead of being in a hurry, it is better to bring the children here first, so that the children can adapt to the climate here.

It's just that Mr. Si probably won't be very happy if he wants to take the children away.

Back in city B, the first thing Sheng Fenghua put down his business was to look at the two treasures.After reading it, I went to take a shower and changed my clothes.

After washing away the dust all over his body, Sheng Fenghua dared to hug the babies.

She held a child in one arm and sat down on the sofa.The children hadn't seen their mother for several days, so they were naturally very happy to see Sheng Fenghua, and they were clinging to her and didn't want to let go.Ye Qingge watched Sheng Fenghua hold her for a long time, worried that she was tired and wanted to carry the children into the car beside her to play.

No, as soon as she hugged her, the children started crying.

Seeing this scene, Ye Qingge couldn't help feeling jealous, and said, "Look, we should still kiss Mom. No, once Mom comes back, I won't even want my grandma."

(End of this chapter)

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