ace warm marriage

Chapter 1475 Shengshi Hospital

Chapter 1475 Shengshi Hospital ([-])

Hearing his mother's sour words, Sheng Fenghua couldn't help laughing, and then said to Ye Qingge: "Mom, you have worked hard these past few days. I will take care of the child for the time being. You can also take a good rest."

"Okay, the children don't want me anymore, it's useless for me to keep it." Ye Qingge said angrily, making Sheng Fenghua dumbfounded.

However, Ye Qingge was just talking, and actually had no other thoughts in his mind.

These few days, Sheng Fenghua was not around, and she took her two children with her at night. Even with Ning Minglie's help, she still felt a little tired.

Ye Qingge went back to his home to rest. Sheng Fenghua hugged his son and daughter, kissed their cheeks one by one, and played wildly with them again, until the babies fell asleep sleepily, then let them go. On the bed, and then he slept with them for a while.

This time, Sheng Fenghua slept very well.When she opened her eyes, she found that the babies had also woken up, but instead of making trouble, they were lying beside her, looking at her without blinking.

"Luanluan, Cheng Cheng, why are you looking at mom like this? Are you hungry?" Sheng Fenghua looked at his daughter and son and asked with a smile.

The two babies looked at Sheng Fenghua, blinked their eyes, opened their mouths, but only made an ahhh sound.

Sheng Fenghua couldn't understand the children's words, but guessed that they must be hungry, so she got up and took out the milk powder from the cabinet beside her, and fed the babies.

After drinking the milk, the babies were no longer hungry, and then they all climbed onto Sheng Fenghua's body and started playing with her.The mother and son played in the room for a long time before going downstairs.

As soon as Mr. Si came back from the mansion, he heard that Sheng Fenghua had returned and knew that the children were by Sheng Fenghua's side, so he didn't come to look for them, but waited in the living room.

When he saw Sheng Fenghua coming downstairs with two children, he greeted them and said, "Children, come, come to Grandpa."

The children were also familiar with Mr. Si, so they extended their hands towards him.Sheng Fenghua watched and brought the children to the old man.

"You're back, are things going well?" Mr. Si asked Sheng Fenghua while playing with the children.Mr. Si was very happy that she could come back early.

In the past few days, the elders and their children are also a little bit powerless.Although there are many people, I still feel a little tired.

No, the two old men of Ning's family went back yesterday and didn't come today.It was really too much, so they had to go back and rest for a few days.

Fortunately, there are still Ning Minglie and Ye Qingge, and there are servants and nannies at home, otherwise they would really be exhausted.

"Fortunately, everything is done." Sheng Fenghua replied with a smile, and did not intend to tell him the real reason for leaving.

Anyway, Si Zhanbei is fine now, it doesn't matter why he left.

Sheng Fenghua talked with Mr. Si for a while, and then asked to take the child to live in City A for a period of time.

"Go to City A?" Mr. Si was taken aback, looked at the two children, and said, "The children are still young, wouldn't it be good to take them to City A?"

"Grandpa, the children are already half a year old. I plan to take them there by train." There are soft berths on the train, so it is more convenient to bring children.The only downside is that the time is a bit long, unlike flying, it takes only one or two hours to arrive.

"Take the train?" Mr. Si's eyes lit up when he heard that he was taking the train, and said, "Then I'll go with you."

(End of this chapter)

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