ace warm marriage

Chapter 1500 Kneeling for medical treatment

Chapter 1500 Kneeling for Treatment ([-])

No, she hadn't returned to the army when Feng Rui called again.

Sheng Fenghua had just answered the phone, and before he could speak, he heard Feng Rui's anxious voice, saying, "Fenghua, where are you? There is a pregnant woman in the hospital who is emotionally unstable and was forced to jump off the building by her family."

"What did you say?" Sheng Fenghua's expression changed, and he immediately said to Dayong: "Turn around and go back to the hospital."

"Fenghua, what should we do now?" Feng Rui was helpless again.He didn't expect that he had only been the dean for a few days, and he encountered things again and again.

Moreover, when something happened, he panicked and didn't know how to deal with it.

"Did you call the police?" Sheng Fenghua asked.It is better to call the police to deal with this kind of thing, otherwise it will be the responsibility of the hospital if one is not done well.

I don't know if it's her bad luck, or what, it's only just opened, so how come there are so many things?

"No, no. I'll call the police right away." Feng Rui told the doctors in the hospital to call the police while speaking.

Seeing the other party call the police, Feng Rui asked again: "Fenghua, we have already called the police, what should we do next?"

"Comfort the patient, wait for me to go over." After Sheng Fenghua finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.Originally, I thought about going back to see my children earlier, but now it seems that I can't go back.

Dayong knew the seriousness of the matter, so he drove the car very fast, and they hadn't left for a long time, so they returned to the hospital half an hour later.

At this time, outside the operating room of the hospital.The pregnant woman who was supposed to be in the operating room was lying on the window sill, looking at the person standing in the corridor with tears on her face.

"Don't come over here, if you come over again, I will jump from here." The pregnant woman looked at her husband's family and threatened.

"Xiaohua, it's dangerous up there, come down quickly. Come down and talk about it beforehand, okay?" A man ran over, panting and persuading.

He is the pregnant woman's man, who just came from the work unit.

Seeing his wife lying on the window sill, his heart sank.This is the tenth floor. If it falls from such a height, it's not a joke, it will kill someone.

"What am I going to do? You don't want the operation, so you might as well let me and the child die." The pregnant woman yelled at the man.Today, she had a stomachache, and she came to the hospital for an examination and said she was going to give birth.Because the baby's navel is around the neck, the doctor recommended a caesarean section.

But who knew that her mother-in-law, the child's grandma, immediately disagreed when she heard that she was going to have a caesarean section.When I said it, I had already asked the fairy woman, and said that the baby would be fine, and insisted on letting her have a normal delivery.

As a pregnant woman, she knew the danger of the umbilical cord around her neck, so she must have listened to the doctor.For this reason, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had a dispute, and each insisted on their own ideas.

In the end, the mother-in-law talked about the tenderness of the parturient, and said that she couldn't die.The mother immediately became angry when she heard it, and climbed up the window sill on a stool on impulse.

The mother-in-law was frightened when she saw that the mother had climbed the window. She called her son and asked him to come back.

Fortunately, the place where my son works is not too far away, so I rushed here.

"Xiaohua, listen to me, I agree, I agree with you to have the operation, come down quickly." The man approached the window sill as he spoke, trying to hold his daughter-in-law down.

After listening to her husband's words, the mother's mood stabilized a little, she looked at him with tears in her eyes, and was about to come down.

No, the mother-in-law spoke again, and said to the man: "Son, don't listen to your daughter-in-law's nonsense, what kind of surgery is it? What a waste of money, if you have the money for the surgery, you might as well leave it to your sister as a dowry. "

(End of this chapter)

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