ace warm marriage

Chapter 1501 Kneeling for medical treatment

Chapter 1501 Kneeling for Healing ([-])

"Mom, how can you say that? Xiaohua is my daughter-in-law, and she is pregnant with your grandson."

"What's wrong with me, the fairy woman can tell, your daughter-in-law's baby is very good, and it will definitely be a smooth delivery."

"It's just that your daughter-in-law is so delicate that she has to do some surgery. Thinking about how many children I gave birth to, which one was not born by myself?"

Hearing these words from his mother, the man's face suddenly became ugly, he turned his head and glared at her, and said, "Mom, can you stop saying a few words?"

After being yelled at by her son, the mother was not happy, and said: "I don't believe it when I marry a daughter-in-law and forget my mother. Now I believe it, but you actually yelled at me. I'm dead!"

With that said, she ran out.When the son saw that his mother was going to die, his face changed, and he didn't care about his wife who was still on the window sill, and went directly after his mother.

Although he didn't like what his mother said just now, in his heart, his mother was still the most important thing.

The parturient woman lying on the window sill saw her man leaving her alone and chasing her mother-in-law, her heart suddenly became cold.Like the ice in the twelfth lunar month, it is icy cold.

All of a sudden, her gaze became hollow, and she lost her mind, staring blankly at the direction in which the man left.


If she had hoped a little before, now she is completely desperate.The man she loved abandoned her at the critical moment when she was about to have a child.

For a woman, this hits harder than anything else.

For him, she abandoned her parents and married far away.But what did she get?
At the beginning, her wanting to die was just a threat.But now, she really has no desire to live.

She wanted to just jump down like this, and it would be over once and for all.

When Sheng Fenghua arrived, he saw that the mother was lifeless.

Seeing this situation, Sheng Fenghua was startled and stepped forward quickly.

"Fenghua, Fenghua, what should I do?" Feng Rui was anxious and flustered, looking at the woman in labor, holding Sheng Fenghua's hand, with a nervous and worried expression.

Sheng Fenghua glanced at Feng Rui, but didn't say much.She moves towards the maternity.

I don't want to, when she made such a move, the mother with empty eyes immediately turned to her and said, "Don't come here."

Sheng Fenghua stopped, looked at the woman, and shouted: "Sister, I know you are very sad and sad now. But have you ever thought about it, if you just jumped like this, those who hurt you will never You will be sad, and you are still alive. Maybe they will call you stupid."

After hearing Sheng Fenghua's words, the parturient's eyes moved.Sheng Fenghua knew that the other party listened to his words, so he continued to work hard, and then said: "Sister, if I were you, then I would never let those who hurt me go, she wants them to get what they deserve."

"Furthermore, even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about your children and the parents who raised you. If I'm not wrong, my sister is not a local, right? Your parents probably don't know that you are in your in-law's house Are you wronged?"

"If you let them know that the daughter you have loved for decades is gone, and the white-haired person gives the black-haired person, what do you think will happen to them?"

"Sister, I'm also a woman, and I can understand your feelings. But have you ever thought about it, death can't solve the problem. On the contrary, living is the most difficult thing."

"You are not even afraid of death, so is it possible that you are still afraid of living?"

(End of this chapter)

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