ace warm marriage

Chapter 1502 Persuading Treatment

Chapter 1502 Persuasion and Treatment ([-])

When Sheng Fenghua persuaded the mother, the police also arrived, and after understanding the seriousness of the matter, they placed an air cushion downstairs in the hospital, ready to catch the mother at any time.

Of course, this is also a last resort.If there is a slight possibility, no one wants a pregnant woman to jump off.

After making all the preparations, Ning Rui went upstairs.

On the tenth floor, as soon as he got out of the elevator, he heard Sheng Fenghua's voice.Seeing that she was persuading the mother, a smile appeared on her face.

He stood at the back of the crowd and did not step forward immediately.Instead, observe to see if there is a place suitable for saving people.

Under Sheng Fenghua's persuasion, the pregnant woman slowly regained some vitality, looked at her with burning eyes, and asked, "Are you a doctor?"

"Yes!" Sheng Fenghua nodded and said, "If you have anything to say, you can tell me directly, and I will definitely help you."

"I, I have a stomachache!" The pregnant woman just finished speaking, her face changed, and the hand holding the window loosened due to the pain.

As soon as she loosened her body, she was about to fall down.Sheng Fenghua looked at it, his face turned pale, his figure flashed, and he walked towards the window, and quickly reached out to grab the pregnant woman's hand.

"Ah!" Everyone shouted after seeing such a thrilling scene.Ning Rui, on the other hand, heard the yelling, said badly in secret, rushed in from outside the crowd, and ran towards the window.

At this time, Sheng Fenghua had already grabbed the pregnant woman's hand.It's just that the pregnant woman is bigger than Sheng Fenghua in terms of body shape and stature, and it's very hard for her to grasp it with one hand.

"Help me, save me!" Facing life and death, the pregnant woman panicked completely and called for help loudly.At this moment, she didn't want to die at all.

"Don't worry, don't be nervous, I will save you, don't worry!" Sheng Fenghua tried hard while comforting the pregnant woman.

She has a lot of strength and good skills, but it is not easy to pull a pregnant woman in through the vacant window.

Not only that, because the weight of the pregnant woman is heavier than Sheng Fenghua, if Sheng Fenghua hadn't been pulling the edge of the window tightly, it would have been pulled down by the pregnant woman.

"Come someone to help!" Sheng Fenghua was a little tired, and couldn't help shouting.

When the sound fell, someone grabbed his arm.Sheng Fenghua turned his head and saw that it was Ning Ruize, so he laughed.Looking again, the air cushion had already been laid outside the window, and Sheng Fenghua's nervous mood was slightly relaxed.

She glanced at Ning Ruize, then took a deep breath, and with all her strength, she pulled the pregnant woman in from the window.

The pregnant woman was about to give birth, coupled with nervousness and worry, when she pulled her up, she fainted.

Sheng Fenghua pulled the pregnant woman up to have a look, his expression changed, and he immediately ordered: "Get ready for surgery!"

Feng Rui heard Sheng Fenghua's shout, and immediately ordered the doctors to prepare for gynecological surgery.

When the pregnant woman was completely pulled up, a doctor had already pushed the cart over.Sheng Fenghua asked someone to carry the pregnant woman into the car, but before he had time to say anything to Ning Rui, he asked someone to send the pregnant woman to the operating room.

Time waits for no one, and the pregnant woman has passed out.Sheng Fenghua couldn't wait for the family members to sign, so he asked the doctor to prepare for the operation.

Hearing the words, the doctor glanced at Sheng Fenghua and said, "Without the signature of the family members, who will be responsible if something goes wrong during the operation?"

"I'm in charge!" Sheng Fenghua gave the doctor a cold look, and said, "Saving people is like putting out a fire. The situation of the pregnant woman is not optimistic, and it won't benefit anyone if it drags on. The operation must be performed immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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