ace warm marriage

Chapter 1504 Persuading Treatment

Chapter 1504 Persuasion and Treatment ([-])

"This?" Feng Rui had never encountered such a situation. Although he was good at medicine, he was not very good at gynecology.

"Get out of the way, let me do it." Sheng Fenghua glanced at several people, and walked towards the operating table while talking.

Hearing Sheng Fenghua's words, a nurse stepped aside.As for the others, they looked at her suspiciously.

Sheng Fenghua didn't care about other people's eyes, stepped forward, took out a silver needle from his body, and stabbed it at the pregnant woman's stomach.Strange to say, she let go of the child's hand with such a prick.

"Hold the child out!" Seeing the child let go, Sheng Fenghua reminded.

The doctors and nurses, who were surprised to see Sheng Fenghua take out the silver needle, came back to their senses, and then looked at the belly of the pregnant woman on the operating table.

They were surprised to see that the child's hand had been released.However, don't wait for them to think too much, delivery is important.

So, they quickly picked up the child and stitched up the wound.

After the stitches were completed, people sent the pregnant woman to the ward.

Sheng Fenghua checked the children and the pregnant woman to make sure they were all right before leaving.As for the hospitalization expenses of the pregnant woman, Sheng Fenghua also explained that she would help pay in advance.

After explaining the matter, Sheng Fenghua left the hospital, and then asked Dayong to take her back to Scenery Garden's home.Her hand was injured, and she had to deal with it first, otherwise she would not be able to explain it when she returned to the army.

However, Sheng Fenghua didn't know that Dayong had already reported her hand injury to Si Zhanbei.

At this time, Sheng Fenghua returned home, and then directly entered the space, first took a bath in the pool, and then took out the medicated oil from the pharmacy and wiped it again.After wiping, apply the ointment again.

As she put the ointment on her hands, the pain in her hands slowly disappeared.

Sheng Fenghua moved his arm and felt much better.As long as you don't use force, nothing will happen, so I feel relieved.

She stayed in the space for a while, seeing that it was getting late, she came out, and then asked Dayong to send her back to the army.

It was almost five o'clock when I returned to the army.Fortunately, the babies are all fed milk powder, even if Sheng Fenghua is outside all day, nothing will happen.

When Sheng Fenghua came home, sister-in-law Yue was still helping to look after the two children.Mr. Si and Steward Wang were also by his side. They were talking, but Si Zhanbei hadn't left work yet.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua come back, the two children reached out to her for a hug.Sister-in-law Yue watched from the side, laughed, and said, "Look, these two children are so happy to see their mother back."

"Haha, seeing them so clingy, my old man is going to be jealous." Mr. Si made a rare joke.

When he said that, everyone laughed.

Sheng Fenghua stepped forward and picked up the child.Even though she was very careful, the injured hand was still a little unnatural and inflexible.

This scene fell in the eyes of Mr. Si, and he couldn't help asking with concern: "Fenghua, what happened to your hand?"

"It's okay!" Sheng Fenghua didn't want the old man to worry, so he smiled and shook his head.

However, the old man's vision is so sharp, even if Sheng Fenghua denies it, he can see the problem, so he asked: "Your hand is hurt, isn't it?"

"Grandpa, I'm really fine." Sheng Fenghua still didn't admit it, but got angry when he didn't want the master. He lowered his face, glared at her and said, "Fenghua, although I'm old, I still have this vision. Yours Your hand is obviously injured, and you still want to lie to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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