ace warm marriage

Chapter 1505 Persuading Treatment

Chapter 1505 Persuading Treatment ([-])

"Fenghua, what's going on?" Sister-in-law Yue looked at Sheng Fenghua and asked seriously after listening to Mr. Si's words.

Seeing that he couldn't hide it from the old man, Sheng Fenghua had no choice but to tell the truth, saying: "I saved a person, but accidentally got my hand."

"Your hand is hurt, is it serious?" Yue Yue's face was worried after hearing this.Stretching out his hand to take the child from Sheng Fenghua's hand, he said, "You are really big enough to hold the child even if your hand is injured."

"Sister-in-law, it's okay. I've already taken the medicine. If you're careful, there's nothing wrong with it." Sheng Fenghua laughed, she knew what was going on with her hands.

If she can't hug, she certainly won't hug.

"It doesn't work even if the medicine is applied. The baby is so heavy, even if it is not injured, it will be tiring to hold it for a long time. What's more, your hand is still injured?" Sister-in-law Yue gave Sheng Fenghua a disapproving look, and then said to the babies: "Luanluan, Chengcheng, mother's hand is hurt, can auntie hug you?"

I don't know if the children understood, and they directly extended their hands to Sister-in-law Yue.

Seeing the children being so sensible, Sheng Fenghua was very pleased.After giving the child to Sister-in-law Yue, she said to the worried old man, "Grandpa, don't worry, I'm really fine."

"You just know what you have in mind." Mr. Si didn't have much to say, since Sheng Fenghua said it was fine, he believed it.

"Don't worry, Grandpa!" Sheng Fenghua laughed, then saw the children playing with Yue Yue, turned and went into the kitchen.

Sheng Fenghua entered the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, took out the dishes, and prepared to cook.

My hand is injured, and I can't hold the baby, but there is no problem with cooking.She was busy in the kitchen alone, while Sister-in-law Yue and Mr. Si were taking the children in the living room.

Listening to the laughter coming from the living room from time to time, a faint smile appeared on Sheng Fenghua's face.

In order to thank sister-in-law Yue for her help, Sheng Fenghua planned to invite her and Commissar Yang to dinner.So more dishes are prepared in the evening, and a lot of rice is cooked.

Because there were a lot of fried dishes, when Si Zhanbei and Political Commissar Yang came back from get off work, there were still a few dishes that hadn't been fried.

Sister-in-law Yue saw that Si Zhanbei was back, and wanted to go home and cook.Today, she was too busy taking care of her children, so she didn't pick up her own children, nor did she make dinner.

As soon as Sheng Fenghua heard that Sister-in-law Yue was going back, she immediately walked out of the kitchen and said to her, "Sister-in-law, don't go back today, call Commissar Yang and the child, and eat at our house."

Sister-in-law Yue originally wanted to refuse, but seeing that it was getting late, and Commissar Yang especially liked the food cooked by Sheng Fenghua, she agreed.

Seeing that sister-in-law Yue agreed, Sheng Fenghua asked Si Zhanbei to call Commissar Yang and the child over.

Si Zhanbei called for someone to go, and Mrs. Yue went into the kitchen to help.Sheng Fenghua had prepared the dishes a long time ago, so it was fine for Sister-in-law Yue to just serve the dishes.

When Sister-in-law Yue helped bring the dishes out of the kitchen, Commissar Yang and his son Yang Wence had already arrived.

It had been a few days since Si Zhanbei moved here, but it was the first time for Yang Wence to come to their house, and it was also the first time to see the two children.

For the younger brother and younger sister who met for the first time, Yang Wence liked it very much.He reached out and pinched the children's faces, then turned to Commissar Yang and said, "Dad, my brother and sister are so cute, take them back to our house and raise them."

Upon hearing this, Political Commissar Yang reached out and patted his son's head, and said, "If you want to hug, it depends on whether your Uncle Zhanbei and Aunt Fenghua are willing?"

(End of this chapter)

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