ace warm marriage

Chapter 1510 Who's behind the scenes

Chapter 1510 Who's behind the scenes ([-])

Fortunately, she was still thinking about the situation after the man took the medicine she prescribed.

If possible, he can be cured directly with acupuncture and the pool water in the space without surgery.But I didn't expect that there was someone pointing at the man's back.

From this point of view, the elder sister was instigated to make trouble in the hospital before.Fortunately, it was morning, and there were not many patients in the hospital. Otherwise, once the hospital opened, its reputation would be tarnished. Who would dare to come to the hospital to see a doctor in the future?

Thinking of this, Sheng Fenghua thought of the prescription she had prescribed before.If someone really targeted Shengshi Hospital behind the scenes, then the prescription or the medicine bought back by the patient may become a tool to attack her and the hospital.

With this in mind, Sheng Fenghua called the manager of the pharmacy to ask the patient if he wanted to buy medicine.She had told the manager before that if the man went to buy medicine, she would give him a cheaper price.

When the call was connected, the manager told Sheng Fenghua that the two did not buy medicine at the pharmacy, but went to another place to buy it.Hearing this, Sheng Fenghua was slightly relieved.

After hanging up the phone number of the pharmacy manager, Sheng Fenghua made another call, which was to have someone monitor the previous cancer patient to see if any strangers came to their home.

Sheng Fenghua felt that if the other party failed to achieve his goal, he would definitely not give up, and there must be other tricks.She has to guard against unburned.

As for the pregnant woman, she herself has no problem, the problem is the so-called fairy woman.The fairy woman took other people's money, so when the mother-in-law of the pregnant woman went to ask about safety, she told her that it was auspicious for the child to have a normal delivery, and said a lot of words.

It means that if the pregnant woman does not give birth smoothly, it will bring disaster to the wife or something.

The mother-in-law of the pregnant woman was originally a superstitious person, so after listening to the fairy woman's words, she didn't believe what the doctor said at all, such as umbilical cord around the neck, and surgery, she felt that the doctor was lying to her, and it would cost her a lot of money. money.

After thinking about it, Sheng Fenghua decided to go back to the city. She had to ask the pregnant woman about the situation.

However, to go to the city, the children had to be looked after again.There was no other way, Sheng Fenghua could only trouble Mrs. Yue again.

Fortunately, sister-in-law Yue has a good temper and is enthusiastic.Hearing that Sheng Fenghua had something to do, he immediately agreed.

After talking with Mrs. Yue, Sheng Fenghua went home.After explaining to Mr. Si again, and seeing Sister-in-law Yue coming, he left the family courtyard.

When he got outside, Sheng Fenghua waited for a while before Da Yong came.Got in the car and went straight to the hospital.

The pregnant woman was the only one in the maternity ward of the hospital, and fortunately the child was looked after by a nurse.As for the family of the pregnant woman, none of them came.

The pregnant woman's husband and mother-in-law haven't come back since they left yesterday.

Seeing this situation, Sheng Fenghua couldn't help feeling sorry for the pregnant woman.Survived a catastrophe, gave birth to a child, and even had no one to take care of her.

"Have you contacted her family?" Sheng Fenghua asked the head nurse on duty. The husband's family is unreliable, so he can only find someone from her mother's family.

"I have contacted, but the mother's natal home is far away, and it may take two or three days to arrive."

"Well, then I will trouble you to work hard these few days and take good care of her." Sheng Fenghua told the head nurse a few words before heading towards the ward.

"Don't worry, Director Sheng, we will take good care of her." The head nurse agreed.As a woman, she also sympathizes with pregnant women.

When Sheng Fenghua entered the ward, the parturient hadn't rested and was opening her eyes, not knowing what she was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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