ace warm marriage

Chapter 1511 Who's behind the scenes

Chapter 1511 Who's behind the scenes ([-])

After hearing the movement, the parturient came back to her senses, saw that it was Sheng Fenghua, with a smile on her face, and said, "Sister, you are here!"

For Sheng Fenghua, the mother is very grateful.If it wasn't for her yesterday, she might really have died.It is said that the grace of saving life should be repaid by the spring, but she has no way to repay her now, she can only wait for her parents and elder brother to come.

Fortunately, her husband's family is not reliable, and she still has her mother's family.It's just that they are far away.

She believed that her parents knew that Sheng Fenghua had saved her, and they would definitely be grateful and repay her.As for myself, I can only repay Sheng Fenghua's life-saving grace in the future, when she is capable.

"Sister, how is your health?" Sheng Fenghua laughed, walked to the hospital bed, and looked at him.

"It's not bad. I've ventilated in the morning, and I can eat something. Speaking of which, I have to thank my sister. If it wasn't for my sister, I might be a dead person now."

"That's my sister's blessing and destiny, and she will definitely get better and better in the future." Sheng Fenghua replied with a smile, and then said: "After talking for a long time, my sister still doesn't know my name, my name is Sheng Fenghua. Sister You can call me Fenghua, or Xiaosheng."

"My name is Huang Yifei."

"It turned out to be Sister Fei." Sheng Fenghua said a few words to the mother, and soon became familiar with her.Not only did he know the age of the other party, but he also knew that the other party was actually the daughter of a rich family. Just because he was dazzled by love, he traveled a long distance to marry the current man.

For this reason, she also had a falling out with her family.Even after being married for so many years, she never returned to her natal home.I thought that her choice was right and that she could live a happy life, but now I know that everything is her self-righteousness and wishful thinking.

The man for whom she abandoned everything and her parents did not love her as much as she imagined.

No wonder, someone once said that if a man is good, he only needs to have a child once to know.Now, she knew, but she almost paid the price with her life.

After the mother told Sheng Fenghua about her situation and the situation of her natal family, she asked about Sheng Fenghua's situation.

Sheng Fenghua didn't hide anything, he said everything he could.

I don't know if it was because of the exchange of family backgrounds, the relationship between the two became closer.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Sheng Fenghua asked about some things about Huang Yifei's mother-in-law's family.

"Sister Fei, I have a question I want to ask you."

"You ask!"

"Sister Fei, has your mother-in-law always been superstitious and likes to ask fairy mother-in-law about everything?"

"How do you know?" Huang Yifei looked at Sheng Fenghua in surprise, her mother-in-law was exactly such a person.To be honest, at first, she was not used to it.I also said a few words to my husband, but my husband said that almost all the people on their side are like this.

After a long time, she will no longer care about this matter.If she had known earlier, she would have almost harmed herself and her children because of this, and she would try her best to change their ideas no matter what she said.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world, and I didn't know it earlier.

"Recently, has she been running to the fairy woman's house a lot?"

"It's okay, I'll go if I have something to do."

"I don't know if you know that fairy woman?"

"I know. Speaking of which, that fairy woman has a little relationship with my husband's family. She seems to be a cousin of their family, and she lives not far from my husband's house."

When Sheng Fenghua heard the words, his eyes flashed, and he asked: "Is that so, has any stranger been to the fairy's house in the past few days?"

(End of this chapter)

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