ace warm marriage

Chapter 1516 Who's behind the scenes

Chapter 1516 Who Is Behind the Scenes ([-])

"So you are Sheng Fenghua." When Huang Yifei's parents heard that Sheng Fenghua was the one who saved their daughter, they immediately grabbed Sheng Fenghua's hand and said gratefully: "Xiao Sheng, you saved Xiao Fei's life. We are all grateful to you."

"Auntie, you are too polite." Sheng Fenghua laughed. How could she just ignore what happened in her hospital?
Even if the other party is not Huang Yifei, she will save it if it is anyone.

"How can you be polite? If it weren't for you, our Fei'er would have died twice." While talking, Mother Huang took out a card from her body and stuffed it directly into Sheng Fenghua's hand , and said: "Doctor Sheng, this is a wish from our family, you can take it."

"Auntie, what are you doing?" Sheng Fenghua put the card back into Huang's mother's hand, and said, "Sister Fei and I hit it off right away, it's too strange for you to do this. Don't say that I am a doctor, saving lives and healing the wounded is My vocation. Even if it wasn't, I wouldn't be able to watch someone commit suicide in front of me, wouldn't I?"

"You child, why are you so polite?" Huang's mother looked at Sheng Fenghua's refusal to accept money, and she looked up to her again.

Huang's father at the side was also very satisfied when he saw Sheng Fenghua's performance, looked at her and said with a smile: "Doctor Sheng, since you don't want to accept our wishes, it's better to be like this. Our Huang family owes you a favor, If there is something useful in the future, try to mention it as much as possible, and we will definitely not refuse."

"Then I'll be here to thank uncle first." Sheng Fenghua thanked with a smile. To her, money is just a number and is of little use.But favors are priceless, and she believes in her own eyesight, the members of the Huang family don't look like cunning people.

"It's easy to say, easy to say." Huang's father laughed, and then, together with Huang's mother, asked about Sheng Fenghua's family situation.

Sheng Fenghua spoke roughly, and remembered the purpose of his coming, so he took out the scar-removing medicine prepared for Huang Yifei from his body, and said, "Sister Fei, this is the scar-removing medicine I made myself, waiting for you After the stitches are removed, you can put them on, and there will be no scars."

"Really? Thank you, Fenghua." Huang Yifei's face was filled with surprise. She was thinking about the ugly scars on her stomach, and how to get rid of them.

But he didn't want to, Sheng Fenghua had thought of it a long time ago.

"Sister Fei, you're welcome." Sheng Fenghua smiled and waved his hands, seeing that Huang's parents wanted to talk to Huang Yifei, he left.

After she left, Huang's parents and elder brother immediately commented on Sheng Fenghua, and said to Huang Yifei: "Xiao Fei, this Dr. Sheng is not simple, you should spend more time with her in the future."

"Dad, Mom, I understand." As the daughter of the Huang family, Huang Yifei is naturally not an uninformed person. Although she didn't open the thing Sheng Fenghua gave just now, she can tell that people are very valuable just by looking at the bottle.

Although she did do Sheng Fenghua a small favor before, drawing two portraits of her.But compared to Sheng Fenghua's life-saving grace to her, that was nothing.

Therefore, she understood that Sheng Fenghua really wanted to make friends like her.In this case, she naturally has no reason to refuse the door.

Huang's parents stayed to talk with Huang Yifei, but his elder brother Huang Yixing left soon.His sister had suffered such a great grievance, so naturally he wouldn't just let it go.

He first went to the hospital to adjust the monitoring, and then asked where Huang Yifei's in-law's house was. Then he made a phone call, found some friends, and headed to the village.

(End of this chapter)

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