ace warm marriage

Chapter 1517 Who's behind the scenes

Chapter 1517 Who Is Behind the Scenes ([-])

Besides, Sheng Fenghua, after leaving the ward, he didn't stay in the hospital much, but returned to his home in Scenery Garden.

The manager of the pharmacy told her before that some medicines in the pharmacy were out of stock, and she had to get the medicines out of the space.

After working for an hour, I finally got out all the medicine stored in the space, and called Dayong again to ask him to send the medicine to the pharmacy.

Seeing the boxes of medicine being taken away, Sheng Fenghua finally had time to sit down and rest for a while.She sat on the sofa for a while, and then went to the space to take a shower. Looking at the empty pharmacy, her hands started to itch again.

She is like this, she can't see that the pharmacy in the space does not have medicine in stock.So, after a short rest, she changed her clothes and went to the pharmacy.

There were a lot of recovered herbal medicines in the pharmacy, and she got busy according to the formulas of various medicines.

It took two hours to be so busy. If she hadn't heard someone knocking on the door, she would have almost forgotten to eat.

Hearing the knock on the door, Sheng Fenghua came out of the room, opened the door and saw that it was Dayong.

"Sister-in-law, I see that you didn't go out at noon, so I specially bought you a lunch." Dayong said while handing the lunch in his hand to Sheng Fenghua.

Dayong didn't mention it, but Sheng Fenghua didn't feel it.When he mentioned it, she realized that she was really hungry.That's right, it's already past one o'clock, so it's no wonder she isn't hungry.

"Thank you!" Sheng Fenghua thanked Dayong, then took his lunch back to the house and started eating.

After lunch, she entered the space again and was busy.It wasn't until four o'clock in the afternoon that the work was over.Looking at the finished medicine, Sheng Fenghua was very happy and felt a sense of accomplishment.

Taking the clothes and taking a bath in the pool, Sheng Fenghua got out of the space, and then asked Dayong to send her back to the army.

When he returned to the family home, he found that the child and Mr. Si were not there.Sheng Fenghua thought about it for a while, and guessed that it might be Sister-in-law Yue and Mr. Si who took the children out to play together.

The children were not at home, and Sheng Fenghua didn't rush to find them. Instead, he went into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and took out all the dishes he was going to make tonight.

Seeing that the refrigerator was as full as when she left in the morning, Sheng Fenghua knew that Mr. Si and the others must have lunch at the cafeteria again.

So, she decided to cook a few more dishes as compensation for the morning meal.

Sheng Fenghua was thinking, and came out busy in the kitchen alone.At around five o'clock, there was movement in the yard. Sheng Fenghua looked through the kitchen window and saw that it was Mr. Si and the others who had returned.

So she turned down the fire in the kitchen and went to open the door.

Mr. Si was about to take the key to open the door, but when he saw the door opened by himself, he couldn't help being taken aback, and when he looked up, he saw Sheng Fenghua standing by the door, and asked with a smile, "Are you back?"

"Yes, Grandpa!" Sheng Fenghua also laughed, and then looked behind him.Sure enough, they took the children out, and the children were pushing by Steward Wang's hands.

Sheng Fenghua couldn't help asking without seeing Sister-in-law Yue, "Grandpa, where is Sister-in-law Yue?"

"She went home to cook."

It turned out that Sister-in-law Yue saw that it was getting late, so she didn't come back with Master Si and the others, but went back to her home to cook.After all, there are still two people in the family, one big and one small, and they have to eat.

Sheng Fenghua originally wanted Sister-in-law Yue's family to come home for dinner again, but after hearing what Mr. Si said, she thought that Sister-in-law Yue might have already cooked the meal.

So, she decided to fry more vegetables and send some to Sister-in-law Yue and the others.That way they don't have to cook at night.

(End of this chapter)

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