ace warm marriage

Chapter 1518 Making a Hurricane in the Hospital

Chapter 1518 Hurricane in the Hospital ([-])

Thinking about it, Sheng Fenghua returned to the kitchen, divided half of the stir-fried dishes, put them in bowls, and sent them to Sister-in-law's house first.

Sister-in-law Yue saw Sheng Fenghua coming and welcomed her into the house with a smile.

"Sister-in-law, this is the dish I just cooked. I thought you might not have cooked it yet, so I brought it here for you." Sheng Fenghua took out the dish while talking.

Sister-in-law Yue's house was not many people, three people, but Sheng Fenghua brought over enough vegetables for five people.If it is served on a plate, there are also four large plates.

"What, you brought me food?" Sister-in-law Yue was surprised, she didn't expect Sheng Fenghua to bring her food.

She just cooked the rice and hasn't done the dishes yet.This time, Sheng Fenghua brought the food over, so she didn't have to cook it anymore.

Sheng Fenghua smiled, did not speak, and took the dishes directly into the kitchen.

Sister-in-law Yue also followed in, taking a plate to put the dishes on.When she saw four plates full of dishes, she said, "Fenghua, why did you take so much. You gave us all the dishes, what do you guys eat?"

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, I still have several vegetables at home." Sheng Fenghua laughed, and then took away the tools for loading vegetables.

Sister-in-law Yue sent Sheng Fenghua out of the house, just in time to see Commissar Yang come back.Sheng Fenghua greeted Commissar Yang and went home.

"Why is Fenghua here?" Commissar Yang asked Sister-in-law Yue as he entered the door.

They just went to Sheng Fenghua's house for dinner yesterday, so she came to ask them to eat again today, right?

Just as she was thinking about it, she heard Sister-in-law Yue say, "Fenghua has delivered the food for us."

"Send food, what kind of food to send? Didn't you buy food today?" Commissar Yang asked a little puzzled.

"Send her the fried dishes, just out of the pan, and they are still hot." After finishing speaking, Sister-in-law Yue ignored Political Commissar Yang and went into the kitchen.What she didn't see was the corners of Commissar Yang's mouth raised high after hearing her words.

Although I can't go to Sheng Fenghua's house for dinner today, it's the same when she brings over the fried dishes.

Sheng Fenghua returned home, and Si Zhanbei also got off work.

"Go wash your face and eat." Sheng Fenghua said, and went into the kitchen to get busy.Si Zhanbei went to wash his face, and then went into the kitchen to help Sheng Fenghua bring out the food.

After dinner, Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua took their children out for a walk.Walking on the road, Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei talked about what they found today.

"Qian Shunhua?" Si Zhanbei frowned slightly when he heard the name.

"What's the matter? You know him?" Sheng Fenghua was a little surprised. Although Qian Shunhua has made a little money now, he should have no intersection with Si Zhanbei.

"The fourth brother has been staring at him recently."

"What do you mean?" Sheng Fenghua was a little puzzled, but how could Ning Rui, the fourth son, stare at him? Could it be that Qian Shunhua did something illegal?

"His money came from an improper source." Si Zhanbei nodded, but didn't say much.The reason why he knew it was because Ning Rui had to use his people last time.

"Is that so, then I can't touch him recently?" Sheng Fenghua frowned, originally thinking of finding an opportunity to meet Qian Shunhua for a while, and teach him a lesson by the way.Now it seems that it is not enough.

Since the police are watching, it's better for her not to interfere.

"It's better like this." Si Zhanbei nodded.After a while, he said again: "However, don't worry, Rui Ze and the others should be able to collect the net soon."

"That's fine, then I'll wait a little longer." Sheng Fenghua didn't have to do it herself, since someone else did it for her, she didn't have to worry about that
(End of this chapter)

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