ace warm marriage

Chapter 1519 Making a Hurricane in the Hospital

Chapter 1519 Hurricane in the Hospital ([-])

However, Qian Shunhua's matter can be ignored, but He Dongfeng has to keep an eye on it, lest he go to the hospital to make trouble and affect the hospital's reputation.

Sheng Fenghua thought about it, and decided to call that person again the next day to make him keep an eye on He Dongfeng.

The couple walked around the playground with their children before going back.When he got home, Mr. Si was reading the newspaper.

"Grandpa, haven't you rested yet?"

"It's still early." Mr. Si replied flatly.Ever since he came to this city A, Mr. Si has never been to any place other than walking around in the army.

Sheng Fenghua wondered if he should find a chance to take the old man out for a walk.Otherwise, the old man would probably be very bored if he stayed in one place all day.

In the past in City B, he could still go out to meet old friends, or play chess with others.Now here, I can't find an opponent to play chess, and I don't have any old friends. Although I have Wang Steward to accompany me, I am quite lonely.After all, Butler Wang is just a servant.

With this plan in mind, when they returned to the room, Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei spoke up.When Si Zhanbei heard it, he felt that what the little wife said made sense, so he decided to go out with the family on Saturday.

Sheng Fenghua felt that it was boring to simply look at the scenery, climb mountains, or go for a stroll, so he suggested: "Zhanbei, why don't we go play and let's go wild, what do you think?"


"Yes, Ye Fu." Sheng Fenghua laughed. In her previous life, she and Feng Mian had been there a few times, and she thought it was quite interesting.

Yebuki can choose to barbecue, or bring some convenient and easy-to-cook things, and cook them directly with firewood in the wild.But in this case, you have to bring more things.

Of course, there is another way to save trouble, that is to prepare the dishes at home, and eat them directly in the wild.

However, Sheng Fenghua felt that it would be more interesting to cook in the wild.

"Okay, that's good, but today is Thursday, and there is still one day left before Saturday, so can we have enough time to prepare things for the picnic?"

"Don't worry, there's no problem." Sheng Fenghua was not worried at all.In this day and age, what can't be bought in the supermarket?

"That's fine, you can figure it out. I have to go to work tomorrow, so I shouldn't be able to help you much."

"Don't worry, I can do it by myself." Sheng Fenghua said indifferently.Even if she can't do it alone, isn't there still Dayong and Xiaoyong?
"When the time comes, we'll call sister-in-law Yue and her family, what do you think?" Sheng Fenghua thought of how sister-in-law Yue had helped him a lot, so he wanted to take them out together.

"Okay, I'll talk to Political Commissar Yang tomorrow." Si Zhanbei didn't object, and the crowd was crowded.In addition, Yang Wence likes children very much, so it would be nice to go out and play together.

After discussing about Yebuki, the husband and wife took a bath for the children before resting together.

The next day, Si Zhanbei went to work.Sheng Fenghua was preparing the things that Ye Chui would use. She bought some things that she could buy in the market.If she couldn't buy it, she directly wrote a list and asked Dayong to buy it in the city.

In one morning, Dayong bought the things he wanted to buy.The things on Sheng Fenghua's side are almost ready, and they are waiting for the next day to go to the field.

Commissar Yang's family, when Yang Wence heard that he was going to go wild with Sheng Fenghua's family the next day, he was very happy, but he didn't forget his younger siblings, so he asked, "Dad, will my younger brother and younger sister go too? "

(End of this chapter)

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