ace warm marriage

Chapter 1520 Making a Hurricane in the Hospital

Chapter 1520 Hurricane in the Hospital ([-])

"That's natural. Everyone in the family has gone. It's impossible to leave only the younger brother and younger sister, right?"

"Great, I can play with my younger siblings again." Yang Wence was so happy that he wished it would be the next day.

One night was finally over.Early the next morning, without even having breakfast, Yang Wence ran to Sheng Fenghua's house to find his younger siblings.

After breakfast, the two families set off in the car.Because there are more people, and they bring a lot of things.So Sheng Fenghua deliberately asked Dayong and Xiaoyong to drive over in a car.A van is dedicated to carrying people, and a car is used to pull things.

The group soon arrived at the place to play - Ziyun Mountain.There is also a lake next to Ziyun Mountain, called Ziyun Lake.There are mountains, water, and lakes, which is a good place for wild blowing.Ziyun Mountain is not far away, on the outskirts of the city.Every holiday, many people come.

Sheng Fenghua and the others came early, and when the group arrived, someone had already arrived first.

When he arrived at the place, Sheng Fenghua first chose a place that was more suitable for Ye Fui.After choosing a place, I moved the things down and put them away.

After putting away the things, Dayong and Xiaoyong stayed and guarded, while the others went to climb the mountain.Ziyun Mountain is 300 meters above sea level, which is not too high, and the mountain road is not too steep. Although Mr. Si is old, he climbed up with everyone.

A group of people climbed the mountain while watching the mountains, rivers and lakes, very happy and comfortable.When he was halfway up the mountain, Mr. Si couldn't move anymore, so he found a pavilion to sit down and rest.

But I didn't want to see someone in the pavilion.Sheng Fenghua saw someone, and was about to take Mr. Si to find another place to rest when he heard someone calling himself from the pavilion: "Sheng girl!"

Hearing these three words, Sheng Fenghua was taken aback for a moment, stopped, and then looked into the pavilion.At a glance, it turned out to be an acquaintance.

"Sheng girl, come here, come here!" At this moment, an old man in the pavilion shouted at Sheng Fenghua again.

"Mr. Jun, why is it you!" Sheng Fenghua did not expect that the person in the pavilion turned out to be Mr. Jun.

Speaking of which, she and Mr. Jun have not seen each other for a long time.

"Yeah, I didn't expect to meet you here." Mr. Jun laughed.Since Sheng Fenghua cured his illness, the two haven't seen each other again.

Sometimes, Mr. Jun still loses his temper with Jun Nianchen, blaming him for being useless and not chasing Sheng Fenghua.

Sheng Fenghua naturally didn't know about this.Then he saw that the people in the pavilion were acquaintances, so he turned to Mr. Si and said, "Grandpa, it's Mr. Jun, you should know him."

"We've met a few times." Mr. Si nodded, and then walked towards the pavilion.Since they are acquaintances, there is no need for them to find another place to rest.

"Old man Si, you're here too?" Mr. Dangjun was a little surprised when he saw Mr. Si.Just now, he only saw Sheng Fenghua, and the others didn't pay attention, but he didn't expect Mr. Si to come.

"You old man can come, why can't I come?" Mr. Si glared at Mr. Jun, then found a place to sit down.

"You old man, you didn't stay in city B, why did you come to city A? When did you come, why don't you say anything, I will do my best to be a landlord." Mr. Jun complained, The face is very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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