ace warm marriage

Chapter 1525 Suicide

Chapter 1525

At this time, she only had one thought in her mind, that is, He Dongfeng was dying.

He Dongfeng is dead?How is this possible, how is it possible?Before, he was still fine, how could he not be able to?

Liu Guihua kept running forward like a wandering spirit.She ran fast, only thinking about meeting He Dongfeng.At the same time, she was thinking in her heart that the nurse must be lying.

Yes, it must be a lie.How can a person who is obviously a good person be a bad person?

Liu Guihua ran to the ward and rushed in.As soon as he entered the ward, he saw some machines beside He Dongfeng's bed.

"Dongfeng, Dongfeng, what's the matter with you? What's the matter with you?" Liu Guihua ran to He Dongfeng, her legs softened, and she knelt in front of his bed.

The nurse didn't lie to her, is He Dongfeng really dying?
"Osmanthus, sweet-scented osmanthus, you're here!" He Dongfeng was on the verge of dying, seeing Liu Guihua's arrival, his eyes lit up, and he became more energetic.

"Dongfeng, Dongfeng, are you okay? Don't scare me, I will be scared." Liu Guihua saw that He Dongfeng was in good spirits, and felt slightly relieved.

However, the hospital on the side looked at each other, but they looked at each other.They knew that He Dongfeng was coming back.

"Daughter-in-law, I'm sorry, I can't be with you anymore, but with the child. You all have to live well and live well in the future."

"Husband, what are you talking about? No, you will be fine, and you will always be with us. Husband, I was wrong. I shouldn't be greedy for that money, and I shouldn't let you take laxatives. I'm going to beg Dr. Sheng, the police comrades said that she has good medical skills and can cure your illness. Just wait, I will go find her."

"Daughter-in-law, don't go. It's useless." He Dongfeng shook his head, not letting Liu Guihua go to Sheng Fenghua.His own body, he knows it himself.

As soon as the laxative was taken, his body was destroyed.It's good enough to last until now.As for Sheng Fenghua's ability to cure his disease, Thaksin believed it.

It's a pity that he didn't listen to her, and was fascinated by money.Otherwise, he would not have come to where he is today.

At this time, he regretted it in his heart.But what's the use?It's too late, too late.

"No, no, it's useful, it must be useful. Just wait, wait for me." How could Liu Guihua just watch her husband die?
If she wants to save him, she must save him, even if she kneels or begs, she will ask Sheng Fenghua to come.

"Daughter-in-law, don't do this." He Dongfeng took Liu Guihua's hand and said, "Daughter-in-law, this person can't do things that are unconscionable. After I'm gone, you have to be strong!"

"Daughter-in-law, I'm sorry, I have to go first, Mom and Dad, and I have to trouble you to take care of my children."

"Daughter-in-law, I will repay you by being a cow or a horse in the next life."

"Daughter-in-law, I'm sorry!"

"Daughter-in-law, I love you!"

After He Dongfeng finished the last sentence, he slowly closed his eyes.

"Husband, husband..." Liu Guihua watched He Dongfeng close his eyes, yelled, and then lay on his body and began to cry.

The doctor on the side looked at it with regret.It is said that if you don't do it, you can't die. This He Dongfeng is purely doing it.

A few days ago, when he came for an examination, although it was cancer, as long as he underwent surgery, he could still live for another year or two.If you pay more attention at ordinary times, you may live a few more years.

such a pity……

Liu Guihua cried loudly, regretting in her heart, but it was too late.

The doctor looked at Liu Guihua, not knowing how to persuade her.

(End of this chapter)

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