ace warm marriage

Chapter 1526 Solve hidden dangers

Chapter 1526 Solve hidden dangers ([-])

As a doctor, even if he is used to seeing life and death, he still feels a little sad in his heart.After a while, they came forward and said to Liu Guihua: "The patient has already passed away, so please mourn."

Liu Guihua, who was crying, saw the doctor, her original sadness gradually turned into anger, she looked at the doctor madly, and said, "You guys killed my husband, didn't you?"

"Yes, it must be you. I want you to pay for my husband's life." Liu Guihua rushed towards the hospital while speaking, and opened her fingers at the same time, as if to arrest someone.

Seeing Liu Guihua who suddenly went crazy, the doctors were stunned for a while, and they didn't come back to their senses for a long time.It wasn't until a doctor was caught by Liu Guihua that she pushed her.

Liu Guihua didn't stand firm and fell to the ground.But she quickly got up again, and rushed towards the doctors again, looking like she was desperately trying to find them.

The doctor is not a fool, he definitely doesn't want to be hurt by Liu Guihua, so they work together and finally restrain her.

Liu Guihua was restrained, but she was still struggling, saying that she wanted the doctor to die.

One doctor couldn't stand it any longer. Looking at Liu Guihua, he said in a cold voice, "Ms. Liu, we understand your feelings. But when it comes to your husband's death, you did it all by yourself. He died because he took laxatives." It broke the body. Otherwise, how could he die so quickly?"

As soon as these words came out, Liu Guihua was stunned and didn't react for a while.

There was only one sentence in her mind, that is, He Dongfeng died after taking laxatives.A laxative, it turned out to be a laxative.That's what she suggested to He Dongfeng to eat.

At first, He Dongfeng didn't want to eat it, but she persuaded him.It is said that after taking laxatives, it will take a few times to act more like it.

But I didn't want to, such a performance actually cost my life.

"No, you must have lied to me, right?" After Liu Guihua realized it, she couldn't believe it.Because she knew that if it was true, then she was the murderer.

"Liu Guihua, do you think we need to lie to you?"

"That's right, people who don't have enough hearts to swallow elephants. Those who don't have enough greed and don't know how to be grateful will fall into this kind of fate."

"Let's go, let's go, we have to go back to the office to get He Dongfeng's death certificate."

The doctors let go of Liu Guihua and left the ward.

When only Liu Guihua was left in the ward, she looked at He Dongfeng, knelt down in front of him again, and burst into tears.She blames herself, she regrets.But He Dongfeng is dead, no matter how much Liu Guihua blames himself and regrets, it's useless.

Liu Guihua kept crying and crying for a long time before she stopped, and then got up to prepare for He Dongfeng's funeral.

Seeing Liu Guihua leaving the ward, the doctor couldn't help but feel sympathy for her again. He made a phone call and called the funeral home to take He Dongfeng away.

After Ning Rui knew that He Dongfeng was dead, he called Si Zhanbei.

At this time, Feng Rui also happened to call Sheng Fenghua and told her about the matter.

Hearing that He Dongfeng was dead, Sheng Fenghua was silent for a while before saying to Feng Rui, "I see."

After hanging up the phone, Sheng Fenghua felt a little heavy.She still felt a little sorry for He Dongfeng's sudden death.If they hadn't been blinded by money, perhaps this wouldn't have been the case.

It's a pity, everyone in the world is vulgar, how many people can treat money as nothing?What about dung?

"Daughter-in-law, don't think about it, it's getting late, let's prepare lunch."

"Okay!" Sheng Fenghua nodded, put He Dongfeng's affairs aside, and went to prepare lunch.

(End of this chapter)

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