ace warm marriage

Chapter 1527 Solve hidden dangers

Chapter 1527 Solve hidden dangers ([-])

This picnic in the countryside is no better than at home, there is no stove, no cutting board or anything.Fortunately, Sheng Fenghua has already cut up all the dishes and other side dishes, and all he needs to do is fry them in the pan.

When he was on the mountain before, Sheng Fenghua asked Dayong and Xiaoyong to build the stove and let them cook rice.

The two big men are naturally able to handle things like building a stove.As for cooking rice, Dayong and Xiaoyong still know how to cook.

So this time, Sheng Fenghua only needs to be in charge of cooking.

Sheng Fenghua tidied up his emotions, cleaned the pot, and then started cooking.As for the burning of the fire, it fell on Dayong and Xiaoyong again.

Originally, Si Zhanbei wanted to help light the fire, but he was not used to burning firewood, and after burning for a long time, he saw no fire except for the smoke.

In the end, there was no other way, Sheng Fenghua had no choice but to chase people away, and then replaced him with Dayong and Xiaoyong.

Dayong and Xiaoyong have been used to doing this kind of thing since they were young, so lighting a fire or something is simply trivial.After a while, the fire was set on fire, and it was burning vigorously.

Sheng Fenghua watched the pot heat up, and then started to cook.Because it is in the wild, and there are quite a lot of people who come to have a picnic nearby.

When Sheng Fenghua stir-fried the vegetables like this, the aroma spread out and entered everyone's noses.Smelling the fragrance, many people swallowed their saliva.

It's because Sheng Fenghua's fried dishes are so fragrant.

Mr. Jun never knew that Sheng Fenghua's craftsmanship was so good, so when he smelled the fragrance of the vegetables, his eyes lit up, and he said to Mr. Si with envy, "Old man Si, you are blessed."

"Why, are you envious?"

"Yeah, envy, jealousy, hate."

"Haha, it's useless for you to be envious. That's my granddaughter-in-law. If you have the ability, go find a granddaughter-in-law who can cook like that."

Mr. Jun glared at Mr. Si, which was just pouring salt on his wound.He fell in love with Sheng Fenghua at first sight, and wanted her to be his granddaughter-in-law, but who knew that Si Zhanbei had already given her the lead?

Speaking of this, Mr. Jun really regrets not meeting Sheng Fenghua sooner.

After showing off in front of his old friends, Mr. Si didn't say any more.He still understands the truth that enough is enough.

Sheng Fenghua prepared a total of more than a dozen dishes, and it took a lot of time to finish frying.In addition, they are in the wild again, and this dish will cool down soon after being fried.So, she asked the old man and the others to eat first, while she continued to cook.

The two old men did not recommend it either.They know that this dish will not taste good when it is cold.So I sat down and ate first.

"Fenghua, shall I help you?" Sister-in-law Yue saw that Sheng Fenghua was still busy, and felt a little unhappy about going to eat by herself.

"No need, sister-in-law, you go to eat. I'll cook it soon." Sheng Fenghua smiled and rejected sister-in-law Yue. There was only one pot for cooking, and she really didn't dare to compliment sister-in-law Yue's craftsmanship.

Therefore, she felt that it was better for her to work harder, lest these dishes be ruined.

Sister-in-law Yue stood by the side for a while, seeing that she was really unable to help, so she gave up and went back to eat with everyone first.

It took another 10 minutes before Sheng Fenghua finished frying all the dishes, and then brought them in front of Mr. Si and the others.

"Fenghua, are you done frying? If you finish frying, sit down and eat quickly, these dishes are cold." Mr. Si greeted Fenghua, afraid that she would turn around to pack something later.

"Okay, then I'll make it after I finish eating." Sheng Fenghua smiled, then called Dayong and Xiaoyong over, and everyone sat on the ground and ate together.

(End of this chapter)

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